Note on user guide
This manual provides the user a description of the characteristics and
The use of the vehicle is the sole responsibility of the driver who, after
reading and understanding this manual, and after asking the seller and/ or
the manufacturer for any clarifications deemed necessary, considers
himself suitable from a psychological and physical point of view to the use
of the vehicle.
The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damages of any kind and
entity caused to people or things as a result of using the vehicle.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the manual and
the product without prior notice.
Charger specification
Manufacturer: Shenzhen hyleton Technology Co., Ltd.
Model: HLT-180-4201500
Input Voltage: 100-240V ~
Input frequency: 50/60Hz
Output Voltage: 42V
Output current: 1,5A
Output power: 63W
Average efficiency in active mode: 87,7%
Input Power in no-load condition: 0,2W