Restarting the system
As with any other computer-controlled device, it is possible for the software in your
SunMover® to "crash". This may be caused by external infl uences, e.g. strong elec-
tromagnetic interference, or previously undetected software errors.
If you think that your SunMover® is responding incorrectly or it is not responding
at all, then we recommend restarting the microprocessor. This can be done in two
different ways and in any state of the system:
If the fuse in the wiring harness is easily accessible, remove the fuse and then insert
it in its holder again after a few seconds.
If the fuse is not accessible, disconnect the Western connector on the right-hand
side of the control panel. To do this, press the plastic clip against the body of the
Western connector and then pull the connector out from the unit. Next, press
on the control panel, keep them pressed and plug the Western
connector back in again. Now let go of the two buttons.
In both of the cases described above your SunMover® will perform an internal re-
start. If the system is unfolded, it will now retract. After restart, the system is in rest
mode and can be started in the usual way using the