Symptom: When I push play, the indicator flashes
green but I don't hear any music.
Solution: Make sure you have at least one MP3 file
stored on your Rover. Rover cannot play music for-
mats other than MP3.
Symptom: When I push play, nothing happens at all.
Solution: Your battery has run down. Replace it with
a new AAAbattery.
Symptom: I just inserted a new battery, and Rover
won't play music.
Solution: Make sure that your battery is properly
o r i e n t e d .
Symptom: My headphone cord is uneven; the left
cable is longer than the right.
Solution: This is intentional; it allows you to clip
Rover to your left side while keeping the cable out
of your way.
Symptom: I've plugged Rover into my computer's
USB port but it isn't being recognized.
Solution: Rover will not function in USB mode
while headphones are connected; Disconnect your
headphones and try again.
Symptom: I erased/reformatted my Rover using a
Mac, and now it can't play music.
Solution: Rover needs to be formatted as a PC
(FAT32) disk to play music correctly. Consult Mac
Help for assistance.
Registering YourSmartDisk Product
You can register your Rover at for customers in
North and South America, or at
S m a r t D i s k . c o . u k / R e g i s t r a t i o n . a s p for European cus-
tomers. This registration is quick and easy and will
assist us in providing the best possible experience
with this and future SmartDisk products.
Warranty Terms
SmartDisk Corporation warrants its products to be free of
defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
service for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase or 18
months from the date of manufacture, whichever occurs
first. SmartDisk's sole obligation with respect to claims of
non-conformance made within the one (1) year warranty
period described above shall be, at its option, to repair or
replace any item of Equipment that SmartDisk, in its sole dis-
cretion, determines to be defective. The Customer shall
obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number
from SmartDisk prior to returning any Equipment to
SmartDisk under this warranty by contacting Technical
Support at or The Customer shall prepay
shipping charges for Equipment returned to SmartDisk for
warranty service, and SmartDisk shall pay freight charges
for the return of the Equipment to the Customer, excluding
customs duties or taxes, if any. All returns require a dated
proof of purchase and a letter explaining the problem.
SmartDisk Corporation will not be responsible for items
returned without an RMA or improperly packaged.
Replacement Equipment shall be new or like new in perform-
ance and shall be warranted for the remaining duration of
the warranty term of the non-conforming Equipment. All
replaced Equipment shall become the property of SmartDisk.
Any claims of defects not made within such one (1) year
period shall be deemed waived by Customer.
SmartDisk's warranty obligations hereunder are expressly
conditioned upon (i.) the Products being properly installed,
used and maintained at all times by Customer; (ii.) the
Products not being subject to unusual mechanical stress or
unusual electrical or environmental conditions or other acts
of God; (iii.) the Products not being subjected to misuse,
accident or any unauthorized installation/deinstallation by
Customer or other third party; (iv.) the Products not being
altered or modified in an unauthorized manner, unless
approved in writing or otherwise performed by SmartDisk
and (v.) Customer promptly installing all Product revisions
that have been released for such Products by SmartDisk
throughout the warranty term. SmartDisk does not warrant
that the Products will operate in any specific combination
that may be selected for use by Customer or that the opera-
tion of the Products will be uninterrupted or error free, or
that all non-conformance or defects will be remedied.
Additionally, SmartDisk shall have no warranty obligations
for any failure of the Products to conform to the applicable
product specifications resulting from the combination of any
Product(s) with hardware and/or software not supplied by
SmartDisk. If it is determined that any Product(s) reported as
defective or non-conforming by Customer during the warran-
ty period is not defective or non-conforming, SmartDisk may,