Products with automatic door closing (type 1) must operate, for safety reasons, with the furnace door closed (except during the fuel loading
or ash removal phases).
Products with non-automatic door closing (type 2) must be connected to their own flue.
Operation with doors open is only allowed when supervised.
The connection pipe to the flue must be as short as possible, straight horizontal and positioned slightly in ascent, and watertight.
Connection must be carried out with stable and robust pipes,comply with all current Standards and Regulations and to those envisioned
by the law, and be hermetically secured to the flue. The internal diameter of the connection pipe must correspond to the external diameter
of the cooker flue gas exhaust stub pipe (DIN 1298).
ATTENTION: as far as concern the realisation of the flue connection and flammable materials please follow the requirements provided by
UNI 10683 standard. The flue must be properly spaced from any flammable materials or fuels through a proper insulation or an air cavity.
The chimney pressure (DRAUGHT) must be at least 12 Pa Pascal (=1.2 mm of water column). The measurement must always be carried
out when the appliance is hot (nominal calorific power). When the pressure exceeds 17 Pascal, it is necessary to reduce it through the
installation of an additional draught regulator (false air valve) on the exhaust pipe or in the chimney, according to the regulations in force.
For correct appliance operation, it is essential that sufficient air for combustion is introduced into the place of installation (see paragraph 7).
The flue gas channel is the stretch of piping which connects the thermo-product to the flue. In the connection, these simple but extremely
important principles must be respected:
• under no circumstances use a flue gas channel with a diameter less than that of the exhaust clamp with which the thermo-product is
• each metre of the horizontal stretch of the flue gas channel causes a slight loss of head which must be compensated if necessary by
elevating the flue;
• the horizontal stretch must never exceed 2 metres (UNI 10683);
• each bend of the flue gas channel slightly reduces the flue draught which must be compensated if necessary by elevating it suitably;
• The UNI 10683 – ITALY regulation requires that under no circumstances must there be more than 2 bends or variations in direction
including the intake into the flue.
If the user wishes to use the flue as a fireplace or open hearth, it is necessary to seal the hood below the entrance point of the flue gas
channel pos. A
Picture 5 at page
If the flue is then too big (e.g. 30x40cm or 40x50cm), it is necessary to intubate it with a stainless steel tube with a diameter of at least
200mm, pos. B, taking care to close the remaining spaces between the pipe and the flue immediately under the chimney pot pos. C.
As the thermo-product draw their combustion air from the place of installation, it is MANDATORY that in the place itself, a sufficient quantity
of air is introduced. If windows and doors are airtight (e.g. built according to energy saving criteria), it is possible that the fresh air intake is
no longer guaranteed and this jeopardises the draught of the appliance and your health and safety. It is therefore necessary to guarantee
a supply of fresh air through an external air inlet placed near the appliance or by placing piping for combustion air which leads outside or
to a nearby airy place, with the exception of the boiler room or garage (FORBIDDEN).
The intake of air for combustion in the place of installation must not be obstructed during operation of the thermo-product. It is absolutely
essential that in environments in which thermo-products are operated with a natural chimney draught, as much air as is necessary for
combustion is introduced, i.e. up to 20 m³/hour. The natural recirculation of air must be guaranteed by some fixed openings to the outside.
Their size is established by regulations regarding the subject. Ask for information from a chimneys weep. The openings must be protected
with grills and must never be blocked up. An extractor hood (suction) installed in the same room or in a neighbouring one causes a
depression in the environment. This causes the leakage of burnt gas (dense smoke, smell); it is therefore necessary to ensure a greater
flow of fresh air.
The depression of an extractor hood can, in the worst case scenario, transform the flue of the thermo-product into an external
air inlet, re sucking the flue gases into the environment with very serious consequences for persons.
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