5. Weight adjustment
The weight adjustment regulator is located to
the front beneath the seat. Pull it outwards in
order to adjust the weight. To obtain a lighter set-
ting, turn the lever to the desired direction: (-) the
mechanism becomes lighter. Turning forward (+)
tightens the mechanism.
6. Armrest adjustments
2-D-Armrest (option)
Push the button on the outside of the armrest
to adjust the height (11 positions) of the armrests.
To set the width of the armrests: loosen the lever,
move the armrests into the desired position, and
tighten the lever.
3-D-Armrest (option)
Push the button to adjust the height (8 positions) of
the armrests. To set the width of the armrests: loos-
en the lever, move the armrests into the desired po-
sition, and tighten the lever. By lifting and pushing
the armrest pads to the left or to the right, they can
be rotated in 3 positions.
4-D-Armrest (option)
Push the button to adjust the height (7 positions) of
the armrests. To set the width of the armrests: loos-
en the lever, move the armrests into the desired po-
sition, and tighten the lever. By lifting and pushing
the armrest pads to the left or to the right, they can
be rotated in 3 positions.The armrest support can