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Using the KYO320-300-100 application in the Bentel Security Suite (rel.5.5.0) pac-
This paragraph describes the parameters corresponding to the IP Module. For fur-
ther information relating to the installation and operation of the KYO320-300-100
application in the Bentel Security Suite package, programming procedures and
any other parameters not described in this paragraph, please refer to the control unit
The parameters corresponding to the IP Module may be selected and programmed
as described below.
The option Settings-> Net i/f in the main menu of KYO320-300-100 software (Ben-
tel Security Suite) allow you to manage B-NET. The programming window will open
(see Figure 1).
The default address assigned to the K-Net should be entered in the Remote IP ad-
dress text box: At this point it is possible to connect with the KNET
P.C.B. and view the settings by pressing the UpLoad button.
Check the values listed in the "Manual settings" mask, and make any necessary
adjustments in order to align them with the values of the LAN over which the connec-
tion is made. Once the values have been modified, press Download.
Once the following values have been changed: IP_Address, Subnet_Mask and
Gateway1IP, the network Board will only respond to the new configurations.
DHCP Another way of connecting to the K-NET is to use the DHCP configuration,
which allows an IP address to be assigned to that K-NET automatically. Once DHCP
has been ticked, press the RETURN button. To view the address assigned to the
K-NET automatically, use the procedure described in the View IP address section.
The address viewed using this method will be entered in the Remote IP address box.
Finally, press the Upload button.
At this point it will be possible to communicate with the K-NET module and the
KYO320 control unit.
n Programming Parameters-Network Interface
Remote IP address The list of general options available for IP Module setup is as
Ø IP_Address – This value is the static IP address assigned to the K-Net module.
Enter the IP address you wish to assign to the IP Module; the network administra-
tor will provide this information alternatively, consult the INSTALLATION
MANUAL and carry out the keypad procedure described in order to read the IP
address (see Viewing the IP Address paragraph). To program the K-Net module
in DHCP mode (dynamic address), the address is
Default value:
Ø Encrypt Key1 – If it has been programmed, the IP Module will use this key to en-
code and decode the packets exchanged with the PC. The encryption key may
include between 1 and 32 hexadecimal characters. To disable encryption, enter
0 (zero). If the encryption key does not correspond to that of the IP Module, com-
munication between the PC and the IP Module will NOT be permitted.
Enter the encryption key assigned to the IP Module you wish to program.
The default setting is 0 (encryption key not enabled).
Ø Console Port number – This is the port which should be used to communicate
with the IP Module. Enter the details of the port assigned to the IP Module you
wish to program (contact the network administrator).
Default value: 3064.
Ø Installer Code – This code is used to (remotely or locally) program the IP Module
via the KYO320-300-100 application in the Bentel Security Suite package. The
code should consist of 4 hexadecimal characters. Enter the access code assi-
gned to the IP Module you wish to program.
Default value: 5555.
Connectivity (see Figure 1)
Ø DHCP- (see Programming paragraph)
Ø Manual settings- (see Programming paragraph)
Ø IP_Address -(see Programming paragraph)
Ø SubNet_Mask – Must equal the subnet mask for the local subnet. For any single
subnet, there is only one valid submask; all nodes on the same subnet will use
the same subnet mask. The network administrator will provide this information.
Default value:
If DHCP is enabled then this section will be ignored.
Ø Gateway1 IP – Enter the IP address of the local gateway which may be used by
the IP Module to connect to a PC outside the LAN (WAN).
Default value:
If DHCP is enabled then this section will be ignored.
Ø DLS Port Number – This is the port which should be used to communicate with
the control unit.
Default value: 3062.
K-Net Options (vedi Figure 1) These options are used for various applications.
Set the values only if required by the network administrator, otherwise leave the de-
fault values unchanged.
Ø Idle Connection Timeout – Enter the maximum time period during which no
data is transmitted before the connection is terminated.
Default value: 00 (20 seconds).
Ø Heartbeat Interval Once Supervision is enabled (see third Screen, Fig. 1), you
will be able to enter a Supervision time value between a minimum of 1 second
and 255 seconds, in steps of 1 second.
Default value: 00 (16 seconds)
Ø Ethernet Speed – This option may be used to set the parameters corresponding
to the Ethernet interface of the IP Module. The default value is Automatic, where
the Speed and Duplex values are set automatically by the network. If required,
you will find the values to be entered when setting different speeds in the table
below. Default value: Automatic mode.
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
Ø Output polarity – This can be used to select the operating mode of the IP Modu-
le OC output. The values which may be set are as follows:
Open on trouble- The output is suspended when a breakdown occurs (default
Close on trouble- The output is connected to the earthing system when a break-
down occurs.
Ø Output trouble mask This option can be used to enable and disable indications
from the OC output, for several events recognised by the IP Module: Network
absent, Panel programming indication is enabled by default.
Default values: Network absent.
Ø Led Trouble Mask– This option is used to enable or disable the indications pro-
vided by indicator light L (8), for several events recognised by the IP Module (see
paragraph "Description of the indicator lights" for a description of these events).
Network absent, Panel programming;
Default value: Network absent.
IP Receiver ( see third Screen, Fig. 1)
Ø Account Code – The account number is used by the central station to distin-
guish between transmitter. There is one account number programmable for the
Default value: (0000FFFFFF).
Account codes 0000FFFFFF,FFFFFFFFFF and 0000000000 are not valid accounts.
Ø Supervision – To enable Supervision mode, to tick this option.
Main Receiver
Ø IP_Address – Static IP address for the receiver. Program the IP address of the
central station receiver. If a IP receiver is not connected program address.
Default value:
Ø Receiver1 Local Port and Receiver1 Remote Port – These values show the
ports to communicate with receiver. The same receiver supplies these values.
Default values:3060 (Receiver1 Local Port) and 3061 (Receiver1 Remote Port).
Backup receiver
Ø Receiver2 IP – Static IP address for the second receiver. Program the IP ad-
dress of the second receiver.
Default value:
The receiver will be used for backup only; not checked.
Ø Receiver2 Local Port and Receiver2 Remote Port – These values represent
the ports to be used for communication with the backup receiver.
Default values: 3065 (Receiver2 Local Port) and 3066 (Receiver2 Remote Port).
The receiver will be used for backup only; not checked.
Data exchange mode (Duplex)


Table des Matières

Table des Matières