The K-Net IP Module is used to connect control units in the KYO320 range to a LAN.
The IP Module may be connected to a LAN using a private IP address or a DHCP
The same procedures may be performed using the KYO320-300-100 application in
the Bentel Security Suite package, either through the serial port or the network. With
a public IP address, it is also possible to manage and monitor the control unit form
anywhere in the world, as long as you have access to the Internet.
Only one PC may be connected to the control unit at a time, via LAN or WAN. Any
attempt to connect another PC to the same control unit will fail.
Component identification
Throughout the instruction manual, numbers in bold refer to the components identi-
fied in Figure 2 (this can be found at the end of the instruction manual). These com-
ponents are described in the following table:
Terminal block for connections
Connector for control unit motherboard connection
Connection speed indicator light (S): off = 10 Mbps; on = 100 Mbps
Connector for LAN connection
YELLOW indicator light for LAN traffic status
GREEN indicator light for LAN detection
IP Module status indicator light (L)
Fixing brackets
IP Module power supply cables
PC-Link cable
IP Module
Control unit motherboard
RS-232 serial port
IP Module screw anchor holes
Control unit base
Secure connector
n Description of the indicator lights
The IP Module is equipped with the following indicator lights:
YELLOW light (6) This indicator light is located on the LAN connector (5) and pro-
vides a signal when traffic is detected between the IP Module and the LAN.
GREEN light (7) This indicator light is located on the LAN connector (5) and provi-
des a signal when the LAN is detected:
Ø lit = LAN detected;Øoff =LAN not detected.
S indicator light (4) Displays the LAN connection speed:
Ø off = 10 Mbps;Ø lit = 100 Mbps.
L indicator light (8) Displays the events listed in the table below.
Low power
LAN not detected
Account not Valid
Receiver 1 Absent
Control unit not
Receiver 2 Absent
Remote IP Module
The IP Module power supply is too
low (under 9.5 V)
There is no connection between the
IP Module and the hub or local
The transmitter Account Code is still
set to the default value of
The transmitter is not receiving
Receiver Heartbeat commands from
the receiver 1
The transmitter is not
communicating with the Control unit
via the PC-LINK interface
The IP Module has not been able to
communicate with receiver 1
The IP Module has not been able to
complete the initialisation procedure
with receiver 2
The IP Module has not been able to
communicate with receiver 2
IP Module programming in progress
If one of the events listed in the above table occurs, the L indicator light flashes a
number of times to correspond with the value given in the Flashes column, with an
interval of 1 second.
If several events occur simultaneously, the L indicator light will signal the event with
the greatest priority (see Pr. column in the above table).
The slow blinking (about every 5 sec.) of L indicator shows the normal operation of
The IP Module should be installed to the base of the control unit, as illustrated in Fi-
gure 2 (which can be found at the end of the instruction manual). Proceed as follows:
Before installing the IP Module, cut the control unit off from its power
supply (it should be disconnected from the electricity mains and the batte-
ries). If this is not possible, do not connect the IP Module power supply un-
til the very end of the process: connect terminal [M] first, followed by
terminal [+V].
1. Open the control unit as described in the corresponding set of instructions.
2. Fix the IP Module to the base of the control unit using the screws supplied, ma-
king sure it is correctly aligned with the screw anchor holes (15).
3. Connect connector (2) on the IP Module to the serial port on the control unit (14)
using the PC-Link cable supplied (11).
4. Connect connector (5) to the LAN using an Ethernet cable.
Use a category 5 (or better) shielded Ethernet cable (STP or FTP).
5. Where present, connect the [OC] terminal to terminal block (1).
6. Connect terminals [+V] and [M] on terminal block (1) to the corresponding ter-
minals [+B4] and [M] on the control unit motherboard (13).
7. Reconnect the control unit to the power supply.
8. Program the IP Module as described in the "Programming" paragraph.
Initial programming
To program the IP Module for the first time, a LAN consisting of the IP Module and
the PC must be created and an IP address set for the latter, such as the default IP
Module value ( Proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the network cable from the PC, if present.
2. Connect the IP Module to the PC using a network cable.
3. Change the IP address of the PC to 192.168.0.XXX (see below).
4. Start the KYO320-300-100 application in the Bentel Security Suite package
(see Figure 1).
5. Set the IP address (Option 001) of the IP Module to an address which is valid for
the network to which it will be connected.
6. Click-on Upload button: make sure that the Installer code is 5555.
7. Restore the original IP address of the PC (see below).
8. Reinstall the original wiring and connect the K-Net to the established network.
Changing the IP address of the PC For Windows XP or later versions, proceed
as follows:
1. Open the network connection properties window.
2. Select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) tab.
3. Select the Properties button: The Properties – Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) win-
dow will be opened.
4. Enable the option "Use this IP address".
5. Enter the value 192.168.0.XXX in the IP address box (with XXX other than 101).
(for example , the value which should be compatible with the K-Net value).
For Windows VISTA
6. Open the window: Network connection properties, LAN connection, Proper-
ties, Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4), Properties again, and enter the follo-
wing IP address in the screen that opens:
7. Subnet mask, leave the values suggested by the system. Click OK and close the
various windows.
Using the KYO320 control unit keypad, proceed as follows:
a. enable Maintenance using the User code;
b. enter the Installer menu using the Installer code, then select Progr. Panel, then
Configuration and finally Network Board. Press ON and then Enter to confirm.
The K-NET module can be enrolled via keypad only, and once enrolled (Present)
the Control Panel will no longer be able to communicate via computer (the
KYO320 serial port is reserved for KNET)..
Programming section follows (BSS software rep. 5.5.0).
Once the IP Module programming is complete, restore the IP address of the PC
using the same procedure.
K-NET IP Module