Optimize your system
Every room has a natural tendency to reduce certain frequencies and amplify others. This
« resonance » effect depend on the geometry of the room, objects and furniture presents (any
obstacle close to the listener will cause reflections that will deteriorate the stereo sound). To get
the best possible sound, here are a few advices:
• Use a larger room (the bigger it is, the better the bass will sound).
• Use damping material on your walls (fabric or other) and try not to leave a window without
• Avoid having floor and ceiling both reflective (use carpeting or specific damping material on the
• The wall behind the front speakers should be reflective to obtain a large sound stage.
• The side walls should be symmetrical to avoid any distortion in the stereophonic image.
• The back wall should be damping to limit the sound
To improve the quality of your Hifi or Audio/video system, it is recommended to use high quality
cables. To get a sufficient energy transmission level between the amplifier and the speakers, it is
necessary to use at least a 2.5 mm² cable. For the best performance, you can use high definition
Spikes are used to help have a clearer bass sound. They should be used on concrete with carpeting,
marble or wooden floor.
The performance of the speaker will change subtly during the initial listening period. This run in
time taken for the speaker to achieve its intended performance will vary depending on previous
storage conditions and how it is used. As a guide, allow 20 to 100 hours of use for the mechanical
parts to attain their intended design characteristics. This change will mostly affect the bass and
midrange. After this period, it can be necessary to check the position of the speakers.