4.1 Display configuration
Scaling mode
SCAL mode (keypad mode)
Teach-in mode
First measured value
Manual entry in SCAL mode. In Teach mode, the value of the provi-
ded analog signal will be adopted.
Assigning the first measured value a displayed value
Requires manual value entry and assignment using the keypad.
Admissible range:
from –1999 to 9999.
Decimal point
Position of decimal point (related to dSP1).
Second measured value
Requires manual entry in SCAL mode. In Teach mode, the value of
the provided analog signal will be adopted.
Assigning the second measured value a displayed value
Requires manual value entry and assignment using the keypad.
Admissible range:
from –1999 to 9999.
4.2 Programming lock
To access programming line "Programming lock" at the end of the
display configuration please proceed as follows:
Enter value „dSP2" and hold
for 5 s. Enter character 0 or 1 at
Programming lock disabled
Programming lock enabled
Programming lock means programming lines are read only which will
be signaled by [dAtA] instead of [Pro] appearing in the display when
accessing programming level.