Seite zur Audioeinstellung
Downmix: This options allows you to set the stereo analog output of your DVD Player.
LT/RT: Select this option if your DVD Player is connected to a Dolby Pro Logic decoder.
Stereo: Select this option when output delivers sound from only the two front speakers.
Dolby digital The options included in Dolby Digital Setup are: 'Dual Mono'
and 'Dynamic '.
Dual Mono Stereo: Left mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and
Right mono sound will send output signals to Right speaker.
Dual Mono: L-Mono:Left mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and
Right speaker.
R-Mono: Right mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and Right speaker.
Mix-Mono: Left and Right mixed mono sound will send output signals to Left and
Right speakers.
Dynamic Compress: the dynamic range of the audio to reduce the volume of loud
sounds or to amplify quiet sounds in the soundtrack.
Video Setup-Seite
Helligkeit: Stellt die Helligkeit des Videos ein
Kontrast: Stellt den Kontrast des Videos ein
Farbton: Stellt den Farbton des Videos ein
Sättigung: Stellt die Sättigung des Videos ein