1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing ASRock K10N78hSLI-WiFi / K10N78hSLI-1394 motherboard,
a reliable motherboard produced under ASRock's consistently stringent quality control.
It delivers excellent performance with robust design conforming to ASRock's commit-
ment to quality and endurance.
This Quick Installation Guide contains introduction of the motherboard and step-by-
step installation guide. More detailed information of the motherboard can be found in
the user manual presented in the Support CD.
Because the motherboard specifications and the BIOS software might
be updated, the content of this manual will be subject to change without
notice. In case any modifications of this manual occur, the updated
version will be available on ASRock website without further notice. You
may find the latest VGA cards and CPU support lists on ASRock website
as well. ASRock website
If you require technical support related to this motherboard, please visit
our website for specific information about the model you are using.
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ackage Contents
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ASRock K10N78hSLI-WiFi / K10N78hSLI-1394 Motherboard
(ATX Form Factor: 12.0-in x 8.4-in, 30.5 cm x 21.3 cm)
ASRock K10N78hSLI-WiFi / K10N78hSLI-1394 Quick Installation Guide
ASRock K10N78hSLI-WiFi / K10N78hSLI-1394 Support CD
ASRock WiFi-802.11g Module Operation Guide (For K10N78hSLI-WiFi Only)
Motherboard Accessories
One 80-conductor Ultra ATA 66/100/133 IDE Ribbon Cable
One Ribbon Cable for a 3.5-in Floppy Drive
Four Serial ATA (SATA) Data Cables (Optional)
One Serial ATA (SATA) HDD Power Cable (Optional)
One HDMI_SPDIF Cable (Optional)
One "ASRock 1394_SPDIF I/O" I/O Panel Shield
WiFi Accessories (For K10N78hSLI-WiFi Only)
One ASRock WiFi-802.11g Module
One Antenna
One WiFi Bracket
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K10N78hSLI-WiFi / K10N78hSLI-1394