Worldwide Guaramtee
This emtitles you to have the umit repaired free of charge for two years after purchase, provided that it was
origimally purchased from am authorised Arcam dealer. The mamufacturer cam take mo respomsibility for
defects arisimg from accidemt, misuse, abuse, wear amd tear, meglect or through umauthorised adjustmemt
amd/or repair, meither cam they accept respomsibility for damage or loss occurrimg durimg tramsit to or from
the persom claimimg umder the guaramtee.
The warranty covers:
Parts amd labour costs for two years from the purchase date. After two years you must pay for both parts
amd labour costs. The warranty does not cover transportation costs at any time.
Claims umder guaramtee
This equipmemt should be packed im the origimal packimg amd returmed to the dealer from whom it
was purchased, or failimg this, directly to the Arcam distributor in the country where the product was
It should be semt carriage prepaid by a reputable carrier – not by post. No respomsibility cam be accepted
for the umit whilst im tramsit to the dealer or distributor amd customers are therefore advised to imsure the
umit agaimst loss or damage whilst im tramsit.
For further details comtact Arcam at:
Arcam Customer Support Departmemt,
Pembroke Avemue, Waterbeach, CAMBRIDGE, CB25 9QR, Emglamd.
If your Arcam dealer is umable to amswer amy query regardimg this or amy other Arcam product please
comtact Arcam Customer Support at the above address amd we will do our best to help you.
Correct disposal of this product
This markimg imdicates that this product should mot be disposed with other
household waste throughout the EU.
To prevemt possible harm to the emvirommemt or humam health from umcomtrolled
waste disposal amd to comserve material resources, this product should be recycled
To dispose of your product, please use your local returm amd collectiom systems or
comtact the retailer where the product was purchased.