R E P L A C I N G B AT T E R I E S :
Slightly depress the compartment
lid and slide it outwards. Install
batteries with polarities (+, –)
according to the battery diagram
inside the compartment. Close
the lid and turn the power
"ON". Two AA batteries are
required. Alkaline batteries are
I.2.4 Configure the Control Unit
The 6-position Configuration Switch (2) at the back panel allows you to
select the proper setting so that the unit will work with your telephone
base unit. The control has 6 positions, which are (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6).
Wear the headset over your head and switch the Handset/Headset
Switch (11) to the Headset position. Make sure to turn down the volume
adjustment to protect your ear. Check to see if the Telephone/Computer
Switch (8) is set to telephone position, if not, make sure it is. Now move
the switch through positions 1-6 slowly until you can hear a clear
dial tone.
If you receive a clear dial tone sound, then the receiving connection is
working. Note that there may be 2 matching setting, choose the clearer
setting or either one if both perform the same. There is at least one
setting which matches your telephone.