3.2. Remote control commands
Parameters for MEAS: Criteria for the measured value acquisition. Measured
value drift in mV/min (with pH, U, Ipol, T), uA/min (with Upol), resp. °C/min
(with T). Equilibration time in s. OFF means that the corresponding criterion is
switched off. If both criteria are OFF, the measurement continues indefinitely.
If the equilibration time has never been edited, it is automatically calculated by
the instrument to match the drift, see page 33. After it has been edited once, it
remains in force with the set value. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.MeasInput
Parameters for MEAS:
Selection of the measuring input; valid with measured quantities pH and U.
"diff." means differential amplifier, see page 158.
With Ipol, the inquiries for the polarization current in uA (Ipol) and
.PolElectrTest are valid.
With Upol the inquiry for the polarization voltage in mV (Upol) is valid. Entry in
steps on 10 mV.
Besides .PolElectrTest is valid.
If the test for polarized electrodes is switched on, it is performed on change-
over from the inactive state to the measurement. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.Temp
Parameters for MEAS: Measurement temperature in °C. If a Pt100 or Pt1000
is connected, the temperature is measured.
The temperature is used for the temperature correction in pH measurements. Mode.Parameter.Measuring.TDelta
Parameters for MEAS: Time interval in s for the acquisition of a measured
value into the measuring point list. Mode.Parameter.Calibration.MeasInput
Parameters for CAL: Selection of the measuring input. "diff." means differen-
tial amplifier, see page 158. Mode.Parameter.Calibration.CalTemp
Parameters for CAL: Calibration temperature in °C. If a Pt 100 or Pt1000 is
connected, the temperature is measured. Mode.Parameter.Calibration.Buffer.1.Value
Mode.Parameter.Calibration.Buffer.2.Value 0...4.00...±20.00, OFF
etc. up to 9 buffers
Parameters for CAL: pH of buffers. The first buffer which is set to "OFF" de-
termines the number of buffers in the calibration.
1, 2, diff.
1...2...999 999
1, 2, diff.
785 DMP Titrino