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Bell'O Triple Play TP4501 Instructions D'assemblage page 2

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for your safety, please follow these precautions:
! Do not PlAce Items on the shelves (or tv mount) whIch exceeD the mAxImum weIGht lImIts
oF 125 lbs. For the tv, AnD 50 lbs. For eAch lower shelF. AlwAys PlAce the heAvIest
comPonents on the bottom shelF.
! only wAll mount Into wooD stuDs or concrete wAlls. Do not AttemPt to wAll mount the
televIsIon Into DrywAll only.
! the mAxImum weIGht oF your televIsIon cAnnot exceeD the mAxImum weIGht rAtInG oF the
wAll mount.
! AlwAys remove the tv AnD other eQuIPment From the FurnIture PrIor to movInG the
AssembleD unIt.
! be cAreFul when movInG the AssembleD FurnIture AFter the GlAss shelF hAs been
InstAlleD, AnD/or when there Is eQuIPment locAteD on the FurnIture As thIs mAy cAuse
the shelves AnD other Items to become unsecureD AnD FAll.
! when In use, thIs FurnIture must be PlAceD on A FlAt, solID AnD level surFAce.
! Do not leAn on the tv when It Is on the tv stAnD.
! Do not clImb or steP on the stAnD.
! Do not bAnG Into or PlAce your own weIGht on the GlAss shelves.
! thIs ProDuct wAs DesIGneD to be InstAlleD AnD utIlIzeD only As sPecIFIeD In thIs mAnuAl.
bell'o InternAtIonAl corPorAtIon wIll not be resPonsIble For FAIlure to Assemble As
DIrecteD or For the ImProPer Assembly, use, or hAnDlInG oF thIs ProDuct.
! ImProPer InstAllAtIon oF thIs ProDuct mAy cAuse DAmAGe or serIous InJury. bell'o
InternAtIonAl corPorAtIon cAnnot be lIAble For DIrect or InDIrect DAmAGe or InJury
cAuseD by Incorrect mountInG, Incorrect use, or Incorrect Assembly.
! IF the mountInG brAcket wIll be AttAcheD to Any structure other thAn sPecIFIeD In thIs
mAnuAl, only A lIcenseD ProFessIonAl contrActor/ InstAller shoulD PerForm thIs
InstAllAtIon. the suPPortInG structure must suPPort, At mInImum, Four tImes the combIneD
weIGht oF the mountInG brAcket AnD tv. It Is the resPonsIbIlIty AnD lIAbIlIty oF the
InstAller to ensure the suItAbIlIty oF the suPPortInG structure.
! the mount wIth the IncluDeD hArDwAre Is not ul lIsteD For InstAllAtIon Into metAl stuDs.
For the AvAIlAbIlIty oF ul lIsteD metAl stuD mountInG hArDwAre, monItor weIGht lImIt AnD
InstAllAtIon InstructIons PleAse check www.bello.com, your retAIler, or An InstAllAtIon
! check cAreFully to ensure thAt there Are no mIssInG or DAmAGeD PArts. never use
DeFectIve PArts. to receIve rePlAcement or mIssInG PArt(s) unDer thIs wArrAnty, vIsIt our
websIte At www.bello.com or cAll our customer servIce DePArtment At 1-888-235-7646.
PleAse hAve the moDel number, DAte coDe, PArt number(s) AnD your sAles receIPt or other
ProoF oF PurchAse AvAIlAble For reFerence. bell'o wIll shIP you Any necessAry
rePlAcement PArts In the unIteD stAtes or cAnADA At our exPense.
! sPecIFIcAtIons Are subJect to chAnGe wIthout notIce.
If at any time you are unclear about the directions and believe you need further assistance,
or +1-732-972-1333 (International) from 9am – 5pm est, mon. through Fri.
Bell'O International Corp. will not be responsible for failure to assemble as directed or for the improper assembly, use or handling of this stand.
contact customer service at: 1-888-235-7646 (us/canada)

