Using the HR3 Hand Held EID Tag Reader
Once you have set up the HR3 Reader you are ready to use it to capture Electronic ID tag
For details on how to set up the Reader, see Se ng up the HR3 Hand Held EID Tag Reader (p
1. Single-Click the trigger to ac vate the HR3 Reader.
2. Single-Click the trigger to scan for Electronic ID tags.
3. Move the p of the Reader towards the Electronic ID tag on the animal.
Once an Electronic ID tag is read the Reader beeps and the lamp illuminates for an
extended period.
4. Repeat from step 2 un l all animals Electronic ID tags are read.
• The Reader beeps twice if a duplicate tag is read.
• The Reader stops scanning for Electronic ID tags once a tag is read. You need to Single-
Click the trigger to scan for the next Electronic ID tag.
• If an Electronic ID tag is not read within the read period the HR3 Reader stops scanning
for tags.
• If the Reader is not used for a period it may me-out to conserve ba ery power.
Reac vate with a single trigger click.
Duplicate tags
Duplicate tags are placed in a temporary storage area referred to as a buff er. The tag buff er
can store data for up to 50 tags. A tag will only be retained for a defi ned period of me (the
Reader must be ac vated for this me to decrement). These se ngs are able to be altered
with the Confi gurator. For further details refer to the SmartReader Confi gurator Help.
The tag buff er is emp ed each me a new session is created, or the session count is reset to