TAS 03 only open at
temperature higher
than 100°C
TAS 03 opens at tem-
peratures of less than
92°C or a small volume
of water escapes on an
ongoing basis
Repairs may only be performed by a specialised company.
Table 6: Troubleshooting
Possible reason
Union nut is loose
Probe system dam-
Discharge line
Sealing elements
damaged or worn
Incorrect installation
(direction of flow)
The ambient tem-
perature is higher
than 80°C
– English –
Check union nut after system
has cooled down
Check the probe element and
the capillary tube
Check the discharge line
You may no longer use the thermal
safety valve if the probe element or
the capillary tube are damaged.
Press the pressure cap several
times to flush away pollution that
may be present
It is possible to open the screw
plug and to clean the sealing el-
ements and the sealing surfaces
with water and then to refit the
screw plug along with the piston
under pressure. The lower O
ring at the piston should be
greased with drinking water ap-
proved grease.
Due to potentially incorrect
mounting/damage to the seals, it
is recommended to replace TAS
TAS 03 must be checked for correct
operation after it has been opened.
TAS 03