Search all files
Select the function folder in the main menu. Confirm your selection by shortly pressing the
key [
(1) With the key [+] / [-] you can move from one file and/or folder to the other. With the
key [
] you can open a file or a folder.
(2) By pressing the key [FUNC] the dialogue whether you would like to delete the
selected file is displayed. Confirm your selection with the key [
Exit the function folder
Press and keep pressed the key [
System settings
Select the function settings in the main menu. Confirm your selection by shortly pressing
the key [
Adjust the settings:
(1) Select the desired menu point with the key [
pressing the key [
(2) With the key [+] / [-] you can pass from a value to another.
(3) With the key [
the previous menu without making any changes.
Setting possibilities
- Time: setting of the actual time and the valuable time zone.
- Switch off: setting of the time: if not used the player switches off automatically
after that.
- Language: selection of the designated language.
- Display settings: selection of the brightness and the illumination duration of the
- Recording quality: setting of the recording quality during a speech recording.
- System settings: delete a file, format the player, reset the player, system
information, update the music library and sort files.
- Key lock: time setting: after that the key lock is activated.
] to get to the main menu.
] you confirm your selection. With the key [
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] or [
]. Confirm your selection by
] you get back to