Channel Guide
Channel Guide
TV Channels
The TV Channels Menu is shown in Picture 7. The
channels are listed on the left side of the menu, and a
preview window is displayed on the right side. From
here, the channel can be changed using the UP or
DOWN keys, ENTER to start viewing. Press OSD to
sort the channels, which can be set in following orders:
alphabetical (A-Z), reverse alphabetical, free - scram-
bled - free, and transponder (picture 8).
Radio Channels
The Radio Channels Menu, is similar to the TV Chan-
nels Menu. The channels are listed on the left side.
The channels can be changed using UP and DOWN.
Press OSD to sort the channels.
Channels Class
From the Channels Class Menu, as shown in picture 9,
each channel can be classified into a group (news,
sports, favorites, movie, show, kids, arts, social).
Pressing ENTER will add the channels in rows to the
columns category. Use TV/RADIO to switch between
TV and radio channels.
If there are no channels available, the user can
not enter this menu.
Channels Edit
The Channels Edit Menu is shown in Picture 10. To
change a channel name, select a channel name and
press ENTER. From here, use LEFT or RIGHT to se-
lect a character, and UP or DOWN to change the char-
acter. Press ENTER to confirm the change of name.
To move a channel, select the MOVE column of a
channel and press ENTER. Use UP or DOWN to
change the placement order of the channel, and EN-
TER to confirm the change. Select the DELETE col-
umn and press ENTER to delete the channel.
Use TV/RADIO to change between TV and radio chan-
If there are no channels available, the user can
not enter this menu.