Inducti ve signal transmission system
4 System components fi � ed to the gate
stati onary
opening closing
10 1 2
3 11
Example of use
The actual arrangement of the individual components
depends on the design of the gate in questi on and the
conditi ons at the installati on site
5 Device overview
5.1 Mechanical mounti ng
Polycarbonate housing with screw connecti ons for on-wall mounti ng in harsh environments
The switching unit is to be professionally mounted at a suitable locati on Aft er removing the cover,
the housing can be mounted with four screws
The switching unit may be mounted in any orientati on To prevent moisture penetrati on, it should,
however, be installed so that the cable conduits point downward
5.2 Signal Indicators
LED POWER (green)
Functi onal test (off briefl y)
Error message (pulse output)
LED Stat. Opening (red)
safety contact edge
actuated (on) - interrupted (fl ashes)
LED Transmit Opening (red)
safety contact edge
actuated / interrupted (on)
LED Stat. Closing (red)
safety contact edge
actuated (on) - interrupted (fl ashes)
LED Transmit Closing (rot)
safety contact edge
actuated / interrupted (on)
1 ELMON inducti ve 74-312 control device
2 Stati onary coil core
3 Travelling coil core
4 Steel cable acti ng as transmission medium
- with 2 additi onal wires