Error messages on the display
Symbol on the
If an error cannot be fixed as described above, unplug the power supply, wait a few minutes,
and try the system initialisation / first start-up procedure again.
If the error persists, disconnect the power supply and contact Customer Service.
18 EN
The "up" button hangs
The "down" button
Voltage too low
Voltage too high
Parameter discrepancy
Restart / first start-up
Short circuit on DRIVE 1
Note: If a power failure occurs or the power cord is pulled out
during height adjustment, a reset may be necessary.
Replace the control panel
Possible grid or power supply interfer-
ence. Unplug the power supply. Contact
the Customer Service.
The controller does not match the number
of columns. Prepare information
about the device. Contact Customer
Service to check the parameters of the
electrical set of the workstation.
Perform system initialisation / first start-
up following the user manual
Unplug the power supply. Check cables
connecting the column to the control
module for damage or connect the appro-
priate DRIVE to the appropriate socket.
If needed, perform system initialisation /
first start-up following the user manual.