User manual
To carry out the configuration of each
COFDM-PAL module, it is necessary to use
the programmer and follow these steps:
5.1.- Normal Menu
Insert the programmer in the front connector
of the COFDM-PAL programming module
("PRGM."). First, the version of the software
in use, will appear. For example 2.00:
a.- Output channel/frequency
Once a couple of seconds have passed, the
first menu appears, which is the output
channel frecuency, for example 174.25 MHz:
To change the value indicated, you must
press the
button, this will make the
selected digit blink on and off. By using the
buttons, the value of the digit can
be changed. By pressing the
again, the following digit is selected, which
can be changed in the same way. Wehn the
cursor is placed on top of the decimal digit/s
and when pressing the
only the following permitted digits will
• .0 => .00 MHz
• .2 => .25 MHz
• .5 => .50 MHz
• .7 => .75 MHz
The range of input values is from 46 to 862 MHz.
The selection of the output channel is
possible if the channel mode has been
chosen (see extended menus). In this case,
the number of the chosen channel will
appear, for example, channel 5 (OC. =>
Output Channel):
In this case, only the
select the desired channel.
b.- Output level
By pressing the
button, it is possible to
gain access to the output level selection. In
this case, the cursor is not used for the
selection of the digit, and instead the
buttons are used to choose the output
level between 00 (minimum) and 99 (maxi-
mum). For example, 85:
c.- Input channel/frequency
The following menu allows the user to enter
the input channel frequency. This is done
in the same way as the output frequency
menu; the
digit that you wish to modify, and you can
either increase or decrease its value using
for the input frequency values is from 174 to
230 / 474 to 858 MHz. For example 834
buttons can
As is the case for the output, it is also
possible to select the input channel if the
channel mode has been chosen for the
input (see extended menus). In this case, the
selected channel number will appear, for
example, channel 65 (IC. => Input Channel):
In this particular case, only the
buttons can be used to select the channel.
button allows you to select the
buttons. The range allowed