4. Activate easyFly 3
"easyFly 3 needs to be activated to make all models and sceneries avai-
lable. This is similar to activating Windows XP or Windows Vista. You
will need an internet connection to activate the software. This process is
brief and needs to be done only once. You have the choice to activate
easyFly3 directly from the program or with the help of an internet brow-
ser. We recommend direct activation from the program, as it is quick
and uncomplicated.
When starting easyFly3 for the fi rst time the following window will be
displayed, guiding you through the activation procedure:
To activate you will need the esayFly3 serial number (this number is
programmed into your USB interface cable respectively USB easyCom-
mander) as well as your easyFly product key. You will fi nd the easyFly
product key on your easyFly CD:
If you do not have an internet connection you may activate your softwa-
re via the internet browser of another PC. For this purpose write down
the easyFly Serial number and the easyFly product key and visit this
website: www.aerofl y.com/activate.html
5. Selecting a model
After starting the "easyFly 3" program the main menu will appear with the
PT 40 trainer model rotating in the center of the screen. You may select
another model from the included 9 models. To select a new model, just
click on "Model". Left click with the mouse on the selected model, which
will now get a blue background. The selected model will appear with a
brief description in the right section of the screen. Now click on "Load"
and the selected model will rotate in the center of the menu screen.
6. Selecting the scenery
Now you select the scenery in which you want to fl y the model. There
are 3 sceneries available in the standard software package. Click on the
button "Scenery" and select a scenery, which will appear as a preview
on the note pad in the upper right section of the main menu. easyFly 3
offers two types of sceneries: photographic and 3D (computer genera-
ted) sceneries. Photographic sceneries such as Marxzell and the Golf
Dome are photo realistic. In these sceneries you cannot change your
the viewing point, nor are the follow and cockpit mode available. If you
want to use these features, please select the 3D scenery "Hawaii". For
slope soaring in the "Teck" scenery, please go to General Options and
adjust the wind settings: wind direction: 90°, wind speed: 2-4 m/s.
7. Adjustments of your transmitter respectively USB Easy Commander
Carefully read this section and follow the steps described. This will guarantee that the models will follow your
control inputs correctly. If the models do not fl y correctly, please read the detail instructions. The set up of
the transmitter respectively the Easy Commander is done in 2 steps: the calibration followed by the channel