These brief instructions are offering a quick start on the easyFly 3. For a better understanding we recommend
to read the detailed instructions, as only this way you will understand the full potential of the simulator and
avoid possible problems during set up. You will fi nd the complete instructions in Adobe PDF format on the CD
under the fi le "Manual". To read the fi le the Adobe Reader software is required In case you do not have this
program on your computer, you may install the PDF Reader fi le "areader" from the easyFly 3 CD. Alternatively
you may download and install the latest version directly from www.adobe.com.
1. Installing easyFly 3
easyFly 3 is using the Windows Autostart feature to automatically install the software. Just place the CD in
your CDROM drive. The installation will start automatically and the start screen of the set up program will be
displayed (in case the automatic starting feature of your PC is switched off, just start the „setup.exe" command
on your inserted CD manually). Here you will decide in which language easyFly 3 will be installed. The langu-
ages English, German and French are available. You may change the language at anytime during operation.
During the installation you will be asked if you want to install DirectX9.0. If you are not 100% sure that it is
already installed on your computer you should install it now. After the installation you may be prompted to
Restart Windows.
2. Connecting the USB Interface Cable or the USB Easy Commander
Now connect the USB Interface Cable with your transmitter switched on or the USB Easy Commander to a
free USB port. Within a few seconds Windows XP will automatically recognize the USB Interface Cable or
USB Easy Commander. There is no need to install a driver. Your transmitter must be set to PPM mode.
For necessary transmitter adapters, please check our website www.ikarus.net.
Fig. 1
Graupner/ JR/ Lexors
3. Starting easyFly 3
To start the easyFly 3 select "Programs" in the Windows Start Menu, than the folder "IPACS" and fi nally the
folder "easyFly 3". Select the entry "easyFly 3". Alternatively you may start "easyFly 3" by double clicking on
the 'easyFly 3" icon on your Windows desk top. The installation software automatically placed this icon on
your Windows desk top.
By clicking on "easyFly 3 Manual" you can read the instructions, check the complete instructions in Adobe
PDF format or visit the "easyFly 3" website. To read the instructions you have to have Adobe Reader installed.
If you do not have the program on your computer you may install it from the CD folder "areader".
Brief Instructions easyFly 3
Interface cable
Fig. 2
Robbe/ Futaba
Robbe/ Futaba
terface cable USB-Port