Daily exertion
After you have saved your personal data in the software and entered your work-
out goals, you can start your workout and subsequently synchronise the data of
the fi tness wristband with the software.
1. Open the fi le with the ".exe" extension to launch the software.
2. Connect the fi tness band to a USB port.
5. The data of the fi tness wristband has now been synchronised with the software:
You can now view your performance in the "History" and "Daily performance" tabs.
Once you have reached your entered workout goal (e.g. 2000 steps), another pop-
up window will display this.
1. Open the "Daily exertion" tab.
2. Here, you will fi nd an overview of the number of steps,
distance covered, workout time and calories burned.
3. You can delete the data with the "Set to 0" button.
NOTE: If you don't reset the data, the data collected
the next day will be added to the results.
3. f your computer has recognised the fi tness wrist-
band, you will be asked via a pop-up window wheth-
er you would like to read the USB data. Confi rm that
you would like to read the data from the USB port.
The data will be synced then.
NOTICE: If the fi tness wristband is not recognised
by your computer, the message "Fitness wristband
not recognised" appears on the top right of the
screen. This may be due to the fact that you do not
have administrator rights for the software or for your
computer. You can only save and synchronise data
if you are set up as an administrator!
4. If you are shown another pop-up window with the
synchronisation times for the mobile phone and the
software afterwards, push the "OK" button.