3) If the display signalizes OL, select a
greater measuring range. If OL is dis-
played in the 200 H range, the inductivity
is greater than 200 H or the coil is inter-
rupted (to be checked with the resistance
Note: In the smallest measuring ranges
200 µH and 2 mH consider the test lead
inductivity for the correct measurement. In
case of short-circuited test leads measure
their inductivity and subtract it from the
actual measuring value.
5.2 Capacity measurement
1) Set the rotary switch (5) into the desired
range C.
2) Discharge the capacitor and connect it
via the enclosed test leads with the right
pair of jacks
citors can also directly be inserted into
the contact slots (6).
3) If the display signalizes OL, select a
greater measuring range. If OL is dis-
played in the 2000 µF range, the capacity
is greater than 2000 µF or the capacitor
has a short circuit.
Note: In the smallest measuring ranges of
200 pF and 2 nF consider the test lead capa-
city for the exact measurement. In case of
test leads without connected tips, measure
their capacity and subtract it from the actual
measuring value.
5.3 Resistance measurement
1) Set the rotary switch (5) into the desired
range R.
2) Connect the test object via the enclosed
test leads with the left pair of jacks
3) If the display signalizes OL, select a
greater measuring range. If OL is dis-
played in the 20 MΩ range, the resist-
ance value is greater than 20 MΩ or the
test object has an interruption.
Note: In the smallest measuring range 20 Ω
consider the test lead resistance for the
exact measurement. With short-circuited
test leads measure their resistance and sub-
tract it from the actual measuring value.
(8). Smaller capa-
5.4 Checking of diodes
1) Set the rotary switch (5) into the position
2) Connect the diode via the enclosed test
leads with the left pair of jacks
(7). Watch the correct connection of the
cathode and anode:
All diode types except Zener diodes
to be connected in forward direction
anode to jack + and cathode to jack -,
as printed at the unit.
Zener diodes to be connected in reverse
anode to jack - and cathode to jack +,
i. e. contrary to the print at the jack. Zener
diodes with a Zener voltage up to 6.8 V
may be checked. In case of diodes with a
higher Zener voltage only the forward
direction can be checked (approx. 0.7 V).
3) The display shows the forward voltage of
the diode:
approx. 0.3 V with germanium diodes,
approx. 0.7 V with silicon diodes,
approx. 2 V with LEDs,
the Zener voltage with Zener diodes up to
6.8 V.
With a display of 0 V the diode has the
short circuit.
With a display of approx. 8 V the diode is
interrupted or connected in reverse direc-
tion (change the polarity of the diode).
6 Replacing of Battery or Fuse
a. If the symbol
tery must be replaced.
b. The capacity and inductivity measuring
ranges are fused
acting, 0.1 A). If no measurement is pos-
sible in these ranges, the fuse should be
checked and, if necessary, be replaced
by one of the same type.
For the replacement loosen both screws at
the rear side of the unit, and remove the
cover of the battery compartment.
is displayed, the 9 V bat-
with a fuse (quick-