Unstable picture from the camera
Possible error
• The distance is too great and/or there are
obstacles between the transmitting A300-antenna
(10dBi) and the receiving A300-antenna (10dBi).
• The videoLink frequency is being interfered by
other equipment.
• The antenna is positioned vertically.
• The cable might be pinched.
• High contrast images shown on the LCD-monitor.
Interferences in picture or sound
Possible error
• Interferences in terms of horizontal lines and
regular sound interferences.
• Interferences while walking with the LCD-monitor.
• Two channels laying next to each other has been
chosen on the videoLink, causing interferences.
• Move close in front of the transmitting A300-
antenna (approx. 5 m) with the LCD monitor
and the picture should be stable and without
interferences. Then move away from the
transmitting A300-antenna (10dBi) to learn
what obstacle or distance that causes the
problem. If the obstacle cannot be removed,
place the antenna higher in the air using a
mast or a pipe. Longer antenna cables can
be ordered from www.cowcam-europe.com.
• Change the camera frequency (see 14) and/
or the videoLink's channels.
• Position the antenna with the elements
• Inspect the cable. If it has been bent more
than 90° or if it has been pinched, the wire
inside the cable might have been broken.
Order a new cable from LUDA Elektronik AB.
• Make sure there are no objects above or
below to the A300-antenna (especially metal
objects within 1 meter). Move the object or
the antenna to avoid the interference.
• Make sure that there are no other equipment
nearby that interfere the 2,4GHz bandwidth.
Some household equipment might interfere
with picture and sound. Microwave ovens
(in use), wireless networks (WLAN), car
ports, wireless telephones and wireless
alarm systems might decrease the picture-
and sound quality. Wireless networks have
adjustable frequencies that can be changed
to avoid interferences (read through your
router users guide). Your camera frequency
can be changed in accordance with the
illustration in chapter 14.
• Interferences while walking with the LCD-
monitor is considered normal and will
disappear if you hold it steady.
• Change the channels so that for instance
channels 1-3, 1-4 or 2-4 are used. Adjust
the camera and the LCD-monitor so that
they correspond to the new settings of the
videoLink channels.
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