◦ Display Illumination
Clinck illumination button of the display can be switched on or dff, User can
trigger the function when he/she is in darkness situation. The value is clear viable
on the LCD.
◦ Voice datat report
Click the button to change the beep voice data report function.
◦ Distance unit setting for instrument
Click the button change the next type of init, m, ft, in, ft+/In then to continue
click the button fot the next unit selection.
◦ Single disatance measurement
Press to activate the laser. Press again to trigger the distance measurement.
The measured value is displayed immediately.
◦ Continuous measurement (Tracking) & Maximum and minimum measurement
See figure (B)
The continuous measurement function (tracking) is used for the transferring of
measurements, e.g., from construction plans. In continuous measurement mode,
the measuring tool can be moved close to the target, whereby the measured
value is updated approx. every 0.5 seconds. The corresponding dynamically
maximum and minimum values are displayed in the first and dynamically maxini-
mum values are displayed in the first and second line. As an example, the user
can move from a wall to the required distance, while the actual distance can
be read continuously. For continuous measurement, push button
indicator for continuous measurement apperars in the display. And press it
again or
to stop the function. The fuction is terminated after continuous
measurement with 5 minutes.
Réf. 93257
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