Development of seal level:
Start phase:
Negative pressure builds up. The LED bar at the top of the device is not yet activated.
Therapy phase:
Following the start phase, one of the following screens shows that the dressing is sealed
and the therapy functioning. The LED bar is green.
Unlocking the screen
Please note that the screen lock may activate during operation. If the screen goes dark,
you need only touch it to make it visible again. If you want to make changes, press
appears to unlock the screen.
4.10 Adjusting the language, volume, brightness, date and time
Press the
key to access the general settings menu. Here you can set the language,
volume of the error messages, brightness of the screen and the date and time.
It is not possible to change the therapy settings whilst the therapy is running.
You need to interrupt the therapy with
The "Therapy" section is exclusively reserved for qualified healthcare
to change the settings.