
Mounting is possible with or without mechanical fault exclusion.
Die Montage kann mit oder ohne mechanischen Fehlerausschluss erfolgen.
Le montage peut être effectué avec ou sans système d'exclusion d'erreur mécanique.
Il montaggio può essere eseguito con o senza "fault exclusion" di tipo meccanico.
El montaje puede realizarse con o sin exclusión de fallos mecánica.
Mounting Instructions
Instructions de montage
Istruzioni di montaggio
Instrucciones de montaje
TTR ECA 4400
Scale Drum
Tambour gradué
Tamburo graduato
Tambor de graduación


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour HEIDENHAIN TTR ECA 4400

  • Page 1 Mounting Instructions Montageanleitung Instructions de montage Istruzioni di montaggio Instrucciones de montaje TTR ECA 4400 Scale Drum Mounting is possible with or without mechanical fault exclusion. Teilungstrommel Die Montage kann mit oder ohne mechanischen Fehlerausschluss erfolgen. Tambour gradué Le montage peut être effectué avec ou sans système d’exclusion d’erreur mécanique.
  • Page 3: Table Des Matières

    Contents Page Seite Inhalt Warnings Warnhinweise Sommaire Dimensions Abmessungen Indice Mounting Montage Indice 14 Dissasembly 14 Demontage Page Pagina Página Recommandations Avvertenze Advertencias Dimensions Dimensioni Dimensiones Montage Montaggio Montaje 14 Démontage 14 Smontaggio 14 Desmontaje For mounting the scanning head, please refer to the separate Mounting Instructions. Für Montage des Abtastkopfes bitte separate Anleitung beachten.
  • Page 4: Recommandations

    – Do not clean the encoder with organic solvents like thinners, alcohol or benzine. – Encoders that have contributed to the failure of a safety function in the application must be returned to HEIDENHAIN, together with the fasteners (screws). Achtung: –...
  • Page 5 – Non pulire il sistema di misura con solventi organici quali diluenti, alcool o benzina. – I sistemi di misura, che nell’applicazione hanno contribuito al guasto di una funzione di sicurezza, devono essere reinviati a HEIDENHAIN completi dei componenti di fissaggio (viti).
  • Page 6: Dimensions

    Dimensions Abmessungen Dimensions Dimensioni Rz 16 Dimensiones >11 W1 = Without mechanical fault exclusion ohne mechanischen Fehlerausschluss sans système d’exclusion d’erreur mécanique senza “fault exclusion” di tipo meccanico sin exclusión de fallos mecánica W2 = With mechanical fault exclusion mit mechanischem Fehlerausschluss avec système d’exclusion d’erreur mécanique con “fault exclusion”...
  • Page 7 Æ 70 +0.007/+0.002 Æ 104.63 6x M6 Æ 70 –0.001/–0.005 0.001 Æ 85 6x60° = 360° Æ 70 +0.005 6x M5 Æ 80 –0.001/–0.005 Æ 80 +0.009/+0.003 0.0015 Æ 95 Æ 127.64 6x60° = 360° 6x M6 Æ 80 +0.006 6x M5 Æ...
  • Page 8: Montage

    Mounting Montage Montage Montaggio Montaje Follow the Mounting Instructions carefully! – The mounting surfaces and threads must be clean and free of burrs and paint. The specified shaft tolerances must be complied with. – Screw connections must comply with friction class B according to VDI 2230. –...
  • Page 9 Attenersi scrupolosamente alle indicazioni di montaggio! – Le superfici di montaggio e i filetti devono essere puliti e privi di bava e vernice. Devono essere rispettate le tolleranze indicate dell’albero. – I collegamenti a vite devono essere conformi alla classe B del coefficiente di attrito secondo VDI 2230. –...
  • Page 10 Mounting without mechanical fault exclusion Montage ohne mechanischen Fehlerausschluss Montage sans exclusion d’erreur mécanique Montaggio senza “fault exclusion” di tipo meccanico Montaje sin exclusión de fallos mecánica In order to facilitate mounting, the scale drum can be heated. Before mounting, slowly warm the scale drum over a period of 10 minutes to a temperature of max. 100 °C. Maximum temperature difference between heating plate and ECA scale drum: 20 K.
  • Page 11 The ID label T must be visible. Typenschild T muss sichtbar sein. L ’étiquette signalétique T doit rester visible. La targhetta di identificazione T deve essere visibile. Es imprescindible que la placa de identificación T sea visible. ISO 7092 – 5 – 200HV ISO 7092 –...
  • Page 12 Tighten the screws gradually by alternately tightening the screws that are diagonally across from one another (after ensuring that the scale drum‘s temperature equals that of the machine). Schrauben kreuzweise und schrittweise anziehen (nach Temperaturausgleich der Teilungstrommel). Serrer les vis en croix et progressivement (après équilibrage thermique du tambour gradué). Serrare le viti a croce e gradualmente (dopo il raffreddamento del tamburo).
  • Page 13 Notes for mounting with mechanical fault exclusion Hinweise für die Montage mit mechanischem Fehlerausschluss Instructions de montage avec exclusion d’erreur mécanique Indicazioni per il montaggio con “fault exclusion” di tipo meccanico Indicaciones para el montaje con exclusión de fallos mecánica Adhere to the applicable Product Information sheet for ECA 4000 to ensure the correct and intended operation of the encoder.
  • Page 14 Mounting with mechanical fault exclusion Montage mit mechanischem Fehlerausschluss Montage avec exclusion d’erreur mécanique Montaggio con “fault exclusion” di tipo meccanico Montaje con exclusión de fallos mecánica Joining the scale drum The ECA 4400 scale drum is ideally shrunk thermally onto the mating shaft and additionally fastened with screws. For this purpose, the scale drum must be heated slowly before mounting.
  • Page 15 Inserimento del tamburo graduato Di preferenza, il tamburo graduato ECA 4400 viene montato a caldo sull’albero e anche fissato con viti. A tale scopo è necessario riscaldare lentamente il tamburo graduato prima di procedere al montaggio. Si consiglia di utilizzare per il riscaldamento una piastra o un forno idoneo.
  • Page 16 The scale drum must be flush with the mounting surface. Tighten the mounting screws without material bonding anti-rotation lock. The ID label T must be visible. Teilungstrommel muss bündig an Anbaufläche anliegen. Befestigungsschrauben ohne stoffschlüssiger Losdrehsicherung festziehen. Typenschild T muss sichtbar sein. Le tambour gradué...
  • Page 17 When the scale drum has cooled down, loosen the screws, apply material bonding anti-rotation lock and fasten the screws with washers step by step in a crosswise sequence. Nach Abkühlen der Teilungstrommel die Schrauben lösen, stoffschlüssige Losdrehsicherung auftragen und die Schrauben mit Scheiben schrittweise über Kreuz festziehen.
  • Page 18 Disassembling the scale drum Demontage der Teilungstrommel Démontage du tambour gradué Smontaggio del tamburo graduato Desmontaje del tambor graduado If necessary, disassemble the scanning unit first. Refer to the Mounting Instructions for the ECA 4410 scanning head. Use the corresponding back-off threads in the scale drum for disassembly. To do so, fasten greased screws (class of strength -8.8) and tighten them in a row until the scale drum comes off the shaft.
  • Page 20 DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Straße 5 83301 Traunreut, Germany { +49 8669 31-0 | +49 8669 32-5061 E-mail: Technical support | +49 8669 32-1000 Measuring systems { +49 8669 31-3104 E-mail: TNC support { +49 8669 31-3101 E-mail:

Table des Matières