Guide de l'utilisateur
Raw Mode Bi-direction
FTP Printing
WSD Printing
Use Discovery
Primary DNS Server Address
Secondary DNS Server Address
DNS Host Name
DNS Domain Name
MulticastDNS ServiceName
Use IPv6
Use DHCPv6
Use a stateless address
Use a link-local Address
Use a manual address
Use the same host name and do-
main name as IPv4
Perform dynamic updating of stateful addresses
Dynamically update the stateless address
Dynamically update the manual address
Frame Type
Use Zeroconf Function
MulticastDNS ServiceName
Impression de rapports de réglage de l'interface
Valeurs des paramètres IPv4.
Stateful Address
Prefix Length
Primary DNS Server Address
Secondary DNS Server Address
Stateless Address 1
Prefix Length 1
Stateless Address 2
Prefix Length 2
Stateless Address 3
Prefix Length 3
Stateless Address 4
Prefix Length 4
Stateless Address 5
Prefix Length 5
Stateless Address 6
Prefix Length 6
Link-Local Address
Prefix Length
IP Address
Prefix Length
Default Router Address
Prefix Length
Primary DNS Server Address
Secondary DNS Server Address
DNS Host Name
DNS Domain Name
Valeurs des paramè-
tres IPv6.