Determine sheet width
Set Edge Guide (B) to paper size you wish to bind (11",
8 - 12" letter size, 11-1/4" oversized cover, A4 ring, A5,
Japan A4) (see figure 1). When using oversized covers,
set the Edge Guide on Covers, punch all of the covers for
your job and set aside. Move the Edge Guide back to the
11" setting to punch your contents then bind.
Determine wire size
Slide the Binder Sizer open (C) (see figure 1).
Place document including covers behind Binder Sizer.
Release the Binder Sizer and select the wire binding
element that corresponds with the size shown by the
guide. For best results, always use GBC brand covers
with GBC colour-coordinated wire.
Punching paper (see figure 2)
Align sheets or covers and insert edge to be bound into
punch throat (D1).
Jog the sheets until they are flush against the edge guide
and the bottom of the punch throat. Allow the paper to rest
against the Paper Support, or, you may prefer to hold the
sheets in place with one hand.
To punch, press the PUNCH
The DocuBind TL350 punches up to 17 sheets of
20 lb./80gram paper at once. Punch only TWO clear
covers at the time to prevent jams and excessive wear.
Place the large loops of the wire element into the Wire
Holder as shown in figure 3. Be sure it is firmly secured
with the small loops facing toward you.
Place your punched pages face up onto the small loops
of wire element (see figure 4 inset). Then place your front
and back covers face-to-face against each other. Place
the covers onto the wire element with the front cover first
and the inside of the back cover facing upward. This step
ensures that after crimping the seam of the wire element
will be hidden between the back cover and last page
(figure 4).
button (D2).
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - Telefon 9633 3500
Raise lid on cover (D), and pull up appropriate selector
pins to disengage punch pins that may nick the edge of
your sheet. To determine which pins should be pulled up
follow the punch steps indicated in section "D" using blank
test paper.
Using the Dial (E) (see figure 1) on the left side adjust the
Wire Crimper to correspond with the wire element size to
be used (see figure 1 inset).
If you try to punch too many sheets GBC's patented
"Jam Stopper" safeguard feature will automatically stop
and reverse the punch die. At this time the yellow LED
indicator will temporarily flash. Remove the paper from
the punch throat and decrease it's thickness before trying
to punch again.
Disengageable punching dies: If you require to punch A5,
a die can be disengaged from the punch by pulling up the
selector pin situated under the lid on top of the machine
(D), when selector is down the the punching die is
engaged, once again.
Hold the wire element firmly at each end of the book
and remove it from the Wire Holder by sliding it to the left
or lifting it off. While firmly holding the wire element and
document at one end place the book with the open end
of the wire face down into the Wire Crimper. You can
release the book so it rests against the support rack or
continue to hold it with one hand (figure 5).
To crimp the wire together pull the handle down toward
you completely until it goes no further. Remove the
book and flip the front cover around to the front. Your
presentation is now complete. If the wire is not closed
properly (see figure 6) adjust Dial (E) accordingly.