Wire on top of the ground may be a trip hazard. Be careful when placing wires and testing the system.
Position, Twist and Splice the Boundary Wire
Once you have designed your layout, the next step is to position the wire along your property. Hold off on burying the wire until you have
tested the system first.
1. Start with one end of the wire at the transmitter, but do not plug it in yet. Run the boundary wire through a window, under a door,
through a crawl space vent or any other appropriate available access. You can also drill a hole through your wall. Run the wire outdoors
all the way around your planned layout and then back to the transmitter.
2. Next, you will need to twist the 2 wires together for the length running from the transmitter inside your home out to the boundary so
that your pet can cross this section without a static stimulation (5A). Twisting both ends of the wire together 30 times per m cancels the
signal. Keep in mind that crossover areas must be within the boundary and cannot be along the perimeter of the boundary (5B). Although
not required, it is recommended that you cut and splice the wire between each twisted section.
Quick tip: The fastest way to twist 2 wires is to cut 2 pieces a little longer than the length you need, twist them and then "splice" in that
section. Anchor one end of the 2 wires to something secure (or have a partner hold them), and insert the other end into a power drill. Pull
the wire taut. Then use the drill to twist the wire. Go slowly. Follow the splicing guide on page 10 to learn how to reconnect this twisted
portion back to the main boundary wire.