To give you some inspiration for slow juice recipes, we made a list of tasty combinations. Try
them all and pick your favorite. Below recipes are suitable to make for just one glass; it's
that easy!
Spinach, pineapple, lime & apple
Ingredients: 2 handfuls of fresh spinach, ¼ fresh pineapple (peeled), ½ lime (peeled) and 1
Pear, fennel & parsnip
Ingredients: 1 pear, ½ fennel, 1/3 parsnip, a bunch of white grapes, a few leaves of basil and
1/3 lemon (peeled).
Tomato, celery & pepper
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 1 celery stalk, ½ lemon (peeled) and a touch of cayenne pepper.
Carrot, beetroot & fennel
Ingredients: 2 carrots, ½ beetroot (peeled), 1 celery stalk and ½ fennel. Finish with a slice of
lemon and add, if you like, some gingerroot.
Grape juice
Clean the grapes and place them individually in the slow juicer.