CAD 900
The main parameters of the CAD 900 have default values. To change all or a part of the
parameters, the user should access the parameter setting menu as shown:
As we have seen before the lamp and dimming circuits controlled by the DMX or AVAB protocols
have default values of 1 and 2 respectively. To modify them, make the corresponding number flash by using
the "SELECT" key and then press the "+" or "-" keys. To forbid the remote lamp control, you assign to 0 the
lamp channel.
To prevent an accidental error, the same number used for the lamp and for the dimming device has
been forbidden.
The next paragraph explains the light curves.
The master channel controls the dimming device opening. If the lighting console sends the FULL
command on the master channel, the highest input command opens the dimming device. If a 0 is
sent on the master channel the dimming device doesn't open. An in-between value limites the maxi-
mal opening. For exemple, you have several Aramis and you assign all the master channels to the
same data channel to obtain a followspot general.
On the contrary, if you don't want a master, you assign 0 to the master channel (this is the default
The maximum opening for the shutter is the master channel value. You may locally modify this
value only if the master channel is 0. This feature allows you to restrict the dead area where a dimming
command has no effect on the light beam.
The default value for the shutter limit is 100%. Any remote or local limitation is stored in the
memory and used as defalt value when the CAD900 is switched on.
The "BOOSTER" is a buffered separation between the "DATA IN" line and the "DATA OUT" line.
When the booster is ON, the output "DATA OUT" becomes the transmitter. This allows an increase in the
number of receivers and the length of the data line by re-adjusting the logical levels without changing the
signal. In the "OFF" position there is a direct connection of the data line though the unit. The default booster
value is OFF.
"PREF.ACCESS OFF" refers to the "PREFERENCES" menu which groups some important CAD
900 parameters. Their modification can cause unexpected consequences for the inexperienced user. That
is why, the access to these parameters is protected. Also, you can not directly change this function which is
"OFF" by default. All the details on this subject can be found in chapter 5.
At the end of the modifications, the new values are stored in the memory (in a SRAM "Zero Power")
Even when the CAD 900 is turned off the settings will remain, becoming the new default settings.
copyright © R Juliat 1999
4.3.3. Parameter settings