XLR female for Mic order RMT 2101.
Potentiometer to adjust sensitivity of Mic order.
Momentary action switch to send order Mic to EXT, connector (E) in rear panel.
Momentary action switch to send order Mic to hybrid send.
Momentary action switch to send order Mic to studio out.
Momentary action switch to send order Mic to special DJ stereo out, connector (F) in rear panel.
In release position for this switch the modulation is the studio modulation.
In on position for this switch the studio modulation is attenuated from 20 dB and mixed with order.
Remark : Action on (3) (4) (5) or (6), dim the modulation MONITOR from 20 dB. Action on (5) or (6) dim the
modulation STUDIO from 20 dB.
Potentiometer to adjust PGM2 / RECORD out, connectors XLR (A) and (B).
Cue switch of PGM 2. You can see the modulation of program 2 on Cue monitor bargraph, and listen on
headphones, independently of position of potentiometer (7).
Multiturn Potentiometers to adjust left and right level of TUNER return. Connector (E).
Select Antenna modulation for studio output (after selector INT / EXT) .
Select Program2 / record for studio output.
Select tuner for studio output.
Potentiometer to adjust studio output - Connector (F).
Select Antenna modulation for Monitor output.
Select Program 2 / Record modulation for Monitor output.
Select Tuner modulation for Monitor output.
Select Ext. modulation (Connector E) for Monitor output.
The Ext. modulation is balanced and stereo. You can connect a selector SEL104 to have more inputs.
Potentiometer to adjust Monitor output. The Audio signal don't cross the potentiometer but it's a tension of
0 to 5 volts witch command the VCA. The result is a very long life and absence of scratch.
Lighted indicator to see than a cue switch is selected on inputs or outputs.
When a cue switch is on position on inputs or outputs the modulation selected by (14), (15), (16) or (17) is
replaced by the cue modulation.
Potentiometer to adjust headphone output. The modulation is the same than Monitor output.
Connector jack 6,35 mm for headphones output. There is also an headphone output in rear panel.
Connector (H).
Lighted indicator to see than a Mic input is in on position. Available only for all Mic inputs affected to studio .
See JP1 on internal programmation Mic Input data sheet.
A mirror dry loop is available on connector (F) on rear panel, to connect an interface red light ASM 120 in
Lighted indicator to see than a Mic input is in on position. Available only for all Mic inputs affected to
Monitor . See JP1 on internal programmation Mic Input data sheet.
In this case control room is automatically muted.
A mirror dry loop is available on connector (E) on rear panel, to connect an interface red light ASM 120 in
Switch to dim Monitor output from 20 dB.