The TESA NIVELTRONIC are electronic levels
used for measuring any deviation based on
gravity. The flat and prismatic measuring faces,
which are arranged horizontally and vertically
on the solid cast iron body, serve as resting
faces on the surfaces to be inspected.
Among others, these electronic levels are appro-
priate for levelling plane surfaces and cylindrical
shafts with diameters ranging from 20 up to 120
mm on machines or devices. They also permit
both the flatness and straightness of rules, sur-
face plates or machine parts to be inspected by
executing a series of single measurements step
by step on the basis of a defined chart combined
with value processing.
The TESA NIVELTRONIC are available in two
versions. The square model features two flat
and two prismatic measuring faces set at right
angle to one another. The horizontal model has
just one measuring face designed for attaching
a granite sole plate (provided as an option in the
length of your choice).
Being powered by standard batteries that can be
purchased from any shop, the TESA NIVELTRO-
NIC provide full cordless autonomy. The mea-
suring system uses a pendulum integrating an
inductive sensor.
The levels have a built-in analogue indication by
galvanometer with the scale division expressed
in both mm / m and " (sexagesimal angle in
seconds). They offer two measuring ranges.
Measuring range 1
± 0,75 mm / m and ± 150 arcsec
Scale division: 0,05 mm / m and 10 arcsec.
Measuring range 2
± 0,15 mm / m and ± 30 arcsec
Scale division: 0,01 mm / m and 2 arcsec.
Every TESA NIVELTRONIC also features an ana-
logue output allowing the measured values to be
registered by a recording instrument.