The lock bolt moves to the unlocked position. Upon com-
pletion of the procedure, an audio signal is emitted on the
lock actuator.
To unlock the door manually with the device, please pro-
ceed as follows:
Press the button "Unlock" (C) on the lock actuator.
If the factory settings of the device have been reset,
the lock bolt moves to the position "open" (final
position) once.
Emergency operation
Locking/unlocking the lock manually can be done in the
following two ways:
From inside with the handwheel:
In idle status, the door lock drive is disengaged,
i.e. mechanically separate from the key. By turning
the handwheel of the door lock drive, the lock can
be locked or unlocked and the door can also be
opened. The door lock drive must be in idle status
(motor not moving).
From outside with a key:
The lock can be locked, unlocked or opened also