Installation Instructions
Step 3: Assembling the middle support frame
The middle support frame must be installed to maintain
stability of the stacking kit.
1. Using Part I: shelf / frame support clips, insert the
plastic tapered clips into the appropriate grooves,
just above the connection where the top and bottom
sections of the legs screw together.
2. Align the corner holes of Part B: middle support
frame with the top of each leg and lower it into place
over the support clips.
3. Gently push down on each corner to ensure the
support frame is fully locked into position.
Important note: If the support frames fall
down and does not catch on the support clips
correctly, ensure that the tapered edge of the
support clip is pointing downward. If the support
clips are installed upsidedown, the support
frames will not click into place correctly.
Step 4: Assembling the top shelf
1. Using Part I: shelf / frame support
clips, insert the plastic tapered clips
into the appropriate grooves at the
top of each leg.
2. Align the corner holes of Part C: top
shelf with the top of each leg and
lower it into place over the support
3. Gently push down on each corner to
ensure the top shelf is fully locked
into position.
Important note: If the stacking kit
seems unstable or has a signifi cant
wobble, ensure that the support
frames are pushed down far enough
to click over the support clips.