Test conditions: Values in table 1 were obtained with the ASL 5000, Ingmar Medical Ltd.
An inspiration time of 2.5 seconds and values for compliance and resistance, i.e. C = 50
mL/mbar, R = 10 mbar/(L.s) were used for the tests with set inspiration flow of 15 L/min,
resulting in a tidal volume of 600 mL. An inspiration time of 0.5 seconds and values for
compliance and resistance, i.e. C = 10 mL/mbar, R = 32 mbar/(L.s) were used for the tests
with set inspiration flow of 6 L/min, resulting in a tidal volume of 50 mL. For the collapsed
lung situation values for compliance and resistance, i.e. C = 100 mL/mbar, R = 10 mbar/(L.s)
were used in the test.
Caution! The values for I:E ratio and minute volume mentioned
in Table 1 are based on simulations with a completely obstructed
upper airway. In (partially) open upper airway situations, Ventrain
ventilation and oxygenation may be less efficient, due to the bypass
flow through the upper trachea.
Optional additional material
Side stream capnometer and tubing with male Luer connector
Caution! In case of an obstruction in the respiratory circuit,
the resulting high pressure may damage the capnometer
Warnings and precautions
Before use of Ventrain
Incorrect use of Ventrain
is designed to be used in combination with recommended
catheter dimensions (Table 1). Use of Ventrain
dimensions may result in insufficient ventilation.
is designed for continuous manual control. Holding
too long in the inspiration, expiration or equilibration
position may lead respectively to overpressure, negative pressure
, read these instructions for use carefully.
can be hazardous to the patient.
with other catheter