Magnifi cation indicator
When you zoom in or out a magnifi cation indicator shows up in the top left corner
that shows what the magnifi cation factor is. This function is originally on.
Zoom preset
When this function is on the device will go to the last used magnifi cation in high
constrast modes and photo mode when you switch to these functions.
This function is originally on.
Reading aids
This will let you turn reading aids on or off individually.
These functions are originally on.
Refresh rate / frequency
Depending on your location the mains power frequency will be 50 or 60
Hertz. By selecting the right setting you will supress fl ickering caused by
surrounding light. This function is originally set to 50Hz.
With this function you can turn the manual contrast adjustment on or off. This
function is originally on.
White balance
Select whether you want the ability to manually set the white balance in the photo
modes. This function is originally off.
Rehan Electronics
Ver: X.X Cam : X .X
Crop zoom
The crop zoom function
crops the image on screen
to 50% so that a zoom le-
vel of 1x can be achieved.
This function is originally off.
Sound feedback
When this function is on
you hear a beep when you
change a function. This
function is originally on.
Factory reset
By turning this function on
you will reset the device to
factory settings.
This counts for all advanced func-
tions and the last used magnifi ca-
tion presets.
Software version
You will fi nd the installed software
version of the main board and its