Please refer to the full documentations on the CD or go to our web site
Converter RS232 to WIFI 802.11b
Compact Metal housing
Configuration by http, telnet and serial port
Port COM redirection, RAW TCP, TCP modbus gateway
WL-DONGLE update by tftp
External DC power with jack plug
Box, wall or Rail DIN mounting
4 independent 64/128 bits WEP keys
Network configuration by DHCP
Determine the parameters of your application
Serial data format, baud rate
Serial control signals driving source
Electrical type of your serial interface
Collect network characteristics
You will need at hand some information about your LAN. The following is required :
WL-DONGLE IP address
LAN netmask
Gateway address
WL-DONGLE IP address : If you do not use DHCP, you must assign an IP address to the WL-DONGLE. You CANNOT JUST PICK
ONE AT RANDOM and wish it will work ! If you do not know a valid IP address for the WL-DONGLE, contact your network
administrator. For more information in the choice of IP address you can read «
11 Mb WiFi port servers user guide (DTUS058).pdf
Connect power 5 VDC
Connect power supply adapter.
Notice WL-DONGLE has no ON/OFF switch. WL-DONGLE turns on automatically when power supply is connected.
Access to administration mode via RS232 serial port
This step allows WL-DONGLE parameters setup (IP address ...). Below we describe how to do this with a PC with Windows
devices (ANSI console...) or operating systems (Linux...) can be used.
Push the switch towards the « Admin » position. The orange (DIAG) light should blink twice per second. If it is not the case,
try pushing the switch in the opposite direction.
Connect to a PC RS232 COM port. WL-DONGLE has one male DB9 RS232 connector with DTE cabling. You can use the
provided null modem cable and plug it directly, into a standard DB9 male connector (PC COM port for example)
Run HyperTerminal. When asked to choose a modem or port, select a direct connection to COMx (COMx being the COM port
on which you plugged the WL-DONGLE). Select the following port parameters : 2400 bauds (bits/second), 8 bits, parity none, 1
stop bit, no flow control.
HyperTerminal now displays a blank window. Hit the « ENTER » key to display the admin prompt.
Several firmware are available, but only one firmware can be run at any one time, so it's very important to determine the relevant one.
- "SERVERCOM" : COM Port emulation with RFC2217 extension, raw TCP socket application, Telnet compatible client
: MODBUS TCP gateway
: TCP tunnel mode between two WL-DONGLE, or on-request TCP calls to a server application
: Multidrop UDP mode between any number of DONGLE, WL-DONGLE or WL-DONGLE, raw UDP socket
Upon delivery, the installed firmware is SERVERCOM.
Choose the WIFI mode
WL-DONGLE supports the two standards WIFI mode : AD-HOC mode and INFRASTRUCTURE mode.
To select the mode, execute the command <set net mode ad-hoc> or <set net mode infra>.
AD-HOC mode : In this mode, WIFI devices can only communicate with other WIFI devices on the same channel and SSID, but they
cannot go through an access point. To set up a dialog between two WL-DONGLE in this mode, one of them must work
in TCP client mode (master), and other must work in TCP server mode (slave). To set AD-HOC mode execute the
<set net mode ad-hoc> command.
DTFRUS018 rev. A4, January 23, 2006 - Copyright © 2006 by ACKSYS. Under the Law of March 11, 1957, the reproduction in whole or in part of this work, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited without the prior written consent of ACKSYS, 10 rue des entrepreneurs, ZA Val Joyeux, 78450 VILLEPREUX.
Disclaimer. This document does not constitute a contract. ACKSYS does not guarantee its contents in any way and accepts no responsibility regarding the profitability of the products described or their suitability for the user's needs. Under no circumstances can ACKSYS be held responsible for any errors that may be contained in this document, or for damages, no matter what their extent, that result from the supply, operation or
use of the products. In its ongoing efforts to improve its documentation, ACKSYS reserves the right to revise this document periodically or to change all or part of its content, without incurring any obligation to notify any party whatsoever.
Infrastructure mode (default mode): In this mode, WIFI devices can go through an access point to communicate with other WIFI
devices, and devices on your local network or Internet. In this mode you must use a WIFI access point. To set
infrastructure mode execute the <set net mode infra> command.
WEP keys configuration
You can configure up to 4 WEP keys. The WEP keys length is 64 or 128 bits. All four keys have the same length.
Example 1: Configure the WEP key 1 with the value AB354F7EC1 (64 bits key)
set net usekey 1
set net wepkey 1 AB354F7EC1
Example 2: Configure the WEP key 1 with the value AB354F7EC1FFE3D256AB2ABEFC (128 bits key)
set net usekey 1 128
set net wepkey 1 AB354F7EC1FFE3D256AB2ABEFC
Choose the WIFI radio channel
You must choose a radio channel (1-13) to define the transmission frequency that the WL-DONGLE will use to communicate with the
other WiFi equipments. It is recommended to use less than 3 channels in the same zone of cover in order to avoid the disturbances. It
is also recommended to have at least two free channels between each radio channel. In AD-HOC mode, all equipments must have the
same radio channel. The legislation is different in each country, check what are the channels you can use in the country where you
install the WL-DONGLE.
The default Radio channel is "6". To modify it, execute the command <set net channel value>.
Configure the SSID
An SSID is the name of a wireless local area network (WLAN). All wireless devices on a WLAN must employ the same SSID in order
to communicate with each other.
SSIDs are case sensitive text strings. The SSID is a sequence of alphanumeric characters (letters or numbers). SSIDs have a
maximum length of 32 characters. The default SSID in the WL-DONGLE is "acksys". To modify it, execute the command <set net
ssid value>.
IP address configuration
In one case, if you want to use DHCP, please resort to «
In the other case, you must now type the following commands to set up IP connectivity (you must type only the text in bold characters,
other text is issued by the WL-DONGLE).
In the following lines, replace XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT by the IP addresses and netmasks you chose for the WL-DONGLE :
root> set net ip XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT
root> set net mask XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT
The following is required only if you will use a gateway :
root> set net gateway XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT
Now you should save the configuration changes :
root> save
root> reset
Modifying the installed firmware is necessary if :
You want to install a different release of the firmware (the latest one by example)
You want to install another firmware because you need a function which is not supported by the installed firmware
Latest releases of all firmwares are available in our web site (www.acksys.fr) in ZIP format (WL-DONGLE-2_WL-DONGLE-
OEM_firmware_pack.zip). Older releases are also available on the CD supplied with WL DONGLE.
To enable the download service in the WL-DONGLE, you must type the 3 commands "set upgradeperm allow", "save" and "reset".
When the reset is terminated the WL-DONGLE is ready for download. Run a dos prompt and execute "tftp –I IP_address put
firmware_filename.ftp /" (Ex : tftp –i put firmware1.ftp /)
You can also upgrade the WL-DONGLE-OEM trough the serial interface. You must configure a SLIP interface on your computer and
use the same procedure. For more information on configuration of SLIP interface see the documentation «
user guide (DTUS058).pdf
To set firmware parameters, you can :
• continue by executing commands from Hyperterminal (WL-DONGLE being connected to your P.C. serial port and switch in
"Admin" position)
• use telnet or Internet Explorer. You have to disconnect the WL-DONGLE from P.C serial port and push the switch on the other
When using telnet or serial port, get the full list of commands in the relevant firmware user's guide.
To use Internet explorer, execute the following steps :
a. Installation of the browser administration tool
You will find a file DONGLEAdministration.exe on the CD which was with your WL-DONGLE pack or you can download it on
our website:
under the "on-line services" link. Open this file and it will install the software and create a shortcut
on your desktop. Open the shortcut located on your desktop, called DONGLEAdministration.
b. Firmware Parameters settings
Now, an internet Windows is opened, and all the parameters are configurable with this interface and you will be guided
through each functions with contextual help and browser alerts.
If you wish to bring back the factory settings, the best way is to execute the command "set default"
. Other
Now you can unplug the WL-DONGLE from the administration PC and push the mode switch on the other side (thus allowing data
to go from WLAN to the asynchronous interface).
Check the cabling of your device against the
Connectors cabling
Thanks to "RF signal quality" LEDs, check if the reception is sufficient (see troubleshooting section). If not, change orientation of the
antennas, or move the WL-DONGLE. Ensure there is at least one green LED on.
Please refer to the full documentation on the CD for cabling example.
This section applies only to Windows COM port based application.
Warning, the COM port redirector software works only if WL-DONGLE executes SERVERCOM firmware. The "mode" parameter of
the "set serial mode mode" must also be set to "RFC2217".
Before to install the VIP redirector software, Read the "vip release notes.html" file. Run the installation wizard on the provided disk.
This installs the VIP software, allowing COM port redirection from Windows to the WL-DONGLE.
Click on the shortcut on your desktop. Stop the service with the "setup" tab. Click on the "new" button on the "virtual port" tab. Select a
free com port on the list and set the IP address and TCP port of WL-DONGLE (the default values for the WL-DONGLE are and 2300). Save your virtual port, and restart the service with the "setup" tab.
You are now ready to use the WL-DONGLE through port redirection.
Just run your application and specify the COM port name that you selected in the previous step.
11 Mb WiFi port servers user guide (DTUS058).pdf
11 Mb WiFi port servers
section. Connect the WL-DONGLE to the serial device.
Please check the following step before calling for support. If you must call, we will need complete information about your network
topology, IP addresses of intervening devices, description of your device's serial connector, model of the computer and operating
The checks should be done in the order given below.
Checking the hardware
Tree LEDs allow hardware diagnostic.
Diag :
Just after power up: the LED stays on until the firmware is ready (a few seconds) After this, if the WL-DONGLE is
programmed to use DHCP, this LED flashes once per second, until answer from a DHCP server.
In Administration mode, this LED flashes twice per second, unevenly
In Exploitation mode, this LED flashes when an error is detected in characters received on the asynchronous interface
In Exploitation mode, this LED flashes quickly when the TCP-CLIENT is installed and is searching a server.
If the DIAG LED stays lighten at power up, it means that the WL-DONGLE is out of order. Try to power it down, then up
again after a few seconds.
If the DIAG LED flashes to indicate Administration mode, push firmly the « Adm » switch in the opposite position (OFF).
WLanTx/Rx : this LED flashes when sending or receiving data on the WIFI
If the WLAN Tx/Rx LED stays off, it means that the WL-DONGLE does not communicate with the network. Check RF signal
quality, SSID, IP address, check if the access point is connected to your LAN. Refer to
Serial Tx/Rx : this LED flashes when sending or receiving data on the asynchronous serial interface.
If the Serial Tx/Rx LED stays off while your device is sending data, it means that the RS cable is bad, improperly connected,
or some kind of flow control forbids transmission.
If the Serial Tx/Rx LED stays off while you are sending data to your device, it means that some kind of flow control forbids
transmission, or the WL-DONGLE does not receive Ethernet data frames.
If the serial Tx/Rx LED stay on while you are not sending data to your device and your device is not sending data, it means
that the RS cable is bad, improperly connected.
Diag + Wlan Tx/Rx: An alternative blink of these LEDs, means WL-DONGLE is out of range of Access Point, or the SSID configured
in WL-DONGLE is not the same of access point. Move the unit or change direction of the antenna, check and correct the
Checking the network topology
You must be sure that the IP address used by the WL-DONGLE is not used by another equipment on your network.. In order to verify,
you can « ping » the WL-DONGLE.
The default IP address of the WL-DONGLE is In this case, power off the WL-DONGLE and type :
C:\> arp -d
C:\> ping
According to the nature of the message, you can know if the address is used on your network:
request timeout : this IP address is not used.
answer from : this IP address is used by another equipment.
Be careful : If you have already changed the IP address of the WL-DONGLE, ping that new one.
Power on the WL-DONGLE. Now it should answer to PING, else check that the chosen IP address is compatible with the other
addresses of the LAN, and check the "gateway" parameter if the communication crosses a router.
Checking the configuration
When you can PING the WL-DONGLE, you should be able to use remote administration. Try to connect to the administration system :
C:\> telnet
If the connection is refused, another TELNET is already connected to the WL-DONGLE.
You can also use the asynchronous port administration. Please refer to the installation guide to do this.
Once in administration mode, check the serial parameters for proper settings. The default TCP data port number is 2300. If the
firmware is SERVERCOM and mode is « rfc2217 », then DTR and RTS should be set to « driven » and incoming signals to « ignore »,
other serial parameters are irrelevant.
Checking the software (SERVERCOM only)
In the VIP manager window, you should see the list of COM port name that you assigned in the installation. Select one of these. When
the port is in use, LEDs are displayed on the left of the IP address. You can check this by opening the port with Hyperterminal.
If the LEDs do not show up, the address or port given for the port is bad. Also, there may be a problem with the computer's network
parameters. In this case edit the port com properties and click on the "ping" button. If you have an answer, the network parameters are
correct. Check the virtual port parameter (TCP port) and that the firmware is "servercom".
The main user manual of the WL-DONGLE product is «
11 Mb WiFi port servers user guide (DTUS058).pdf
DONGLE functionnalities except the embedded firmwares proper.
The SERVERCOM firmware is described in
SERVERCOM UserGuide (DTUS043).pdf
The MODBUS TCP firmware is described in
MODBUS-TCP UserGuide (DTUS041).pdf
The TCP CLIENT firmware is described in
TCPCLIENT UserGuide (DTUS045).pdf
The MULTIPOINT firmware is described in
MULTIPOINT UserGuide (DTUS056).pdf
Input (to wl-dongle)
Input (to wl-dongle)
Output (from wl-dongle)
Output (from wl-dongle)
Input (to wl-dongle)
Output (from wl-dongle)
Input (to wl-dongle)
Input (to wl-dongle)
10, rue des Entrepreneurs
ZA Val Joyeux
Tel :
Fax :
Web :
Hotline :
Sales :
"Checking the network
». It describes all WL-
Female jack
+5 Vdc
+33 (0)1 30 56 46 46
+33 (0)1 30 56 12 95