bEFORE fitting the pelvic belt to any wheelchair/seating system, please consult the
wheelchair/seating system manufacturer's manual (or contact them) to find out if it is
acceptable to do so.
clamp assembly
Clip the appropriate size Frame Adapter if required (Fig. 1) around the frame tubing,
as close to the rear of the seat base as possible.
horizontal mounting
Clip the Frame Clamp around the frame tubing or the Frame Adapter if using the
adapter (Fig. 2) making sure the threaded holes are facing towards the wheelchair.
horizontal mounting
Mount the Strap Guide Plate to the Frame Clamp with the provided washers and
screws (Fig. 3). Position the guide plate in the orientation required and fully tighten
the screws.
horizontal mounting
October 2016
Figure 1a
Figure 2a
Figure 3a
vertical mounting
vertical mounting
vertical mounting
Figure 1b
Figure 2b
Figure 3b