The ANTI-G is now ready!
Roll the strap around the canopy.
The strap can be tight to help
compact the package.
Fit the ANTI-G inside the deploy-
ment bag leaving about 15 -25cm
of the bridal free, enough to attach
to the bridal to the karabiner
Only use the ANTI-G to reduce G forces in Spiral dives.
The ANTI-G system is not designed for straight flight. As it is fas-
tened to only one karabiner, it causes the harness to yaw, especially
in accelerated flight.
The ANTI-G system is not designed to reduce the glide angle for
landing. It is of very little use in that configuration, furthermore the
fact that it is not mounted symmetrically may disorientate the pilot
during the critical final approach.
When coming in to land, or when close to the ground in general, make
sure that the ANTI-G does not catch on any solid objects such as
trees or fences.
For paragliders only. The ANTI-G is not designed to be used as a
drogue parachute for hang gliders.
Your ANTI-G parachute is relatively maintenance-free, however there
are several practices that need to be adhered to:
Keep the parachute free from exposure to UV, moisture, dirt,
dust and any other contaminates.
Always store all of your flying equipment in a cool dry room and
protect it from direct heat such as radiators or sunlight.
Moisture, heat and humidity are the worst elements for damag-
ing your parachute.