S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l
M o l y L i t h i u m G r e a s e E P 3 7 5 3 S a f e t y D a t a
Grease can be ordered as a single item, the part number is shown in the Service Kit page 11.
First Aid
As the grease is completely water resistant it is best removed with an approved emulsifying skin cleaner.
Ensure the individual drinks 30ml Milk of Magnesia, preferably in a cup of milk.
Irritant but not harmful. Irrigate with water and seek medical attention.
FLASH POINT: Above 220°C.
Not classified as flammable.
Suitable extinguishing media: CO
Scrape up for incineration or disposal on approved site.
Use barrier cream or oil resistant gloves
Away from heat and oxidising agent.
C.O.S.H.H. data for all hydraulic oils and lubricants is available on request from your local tool supplier.
Halon or water spray if applied by an experienced operator.