As described in chapter 4, Cantorum VI Plus allows you to record and store up to 61 songs in internal
memory. It is possible to transfer all the songs recorded by the user (not the factory ones) from the
internal memory to a USB pen inserted in the connector [
necessary, thus providing an almost unlimited amount of memory.
To transfer songs files to and from the USB stick, make sure that the LED [USB] is on (if not, press the
[MEMORY] button), then follow this procedure:
Holding down the [SET] button press the [REC] button: all LEDs on the panel flash twice.
Holding down the [SET] button,
To copy songs from the internal memory to the USB stick, press and hold the [5]
button for a few moments: the LED of the button starts flashing until the songs are copied
to the USB stick. On the USB stick .mid files are created, named 01 to 61 (corresponding
to the 61 songs in the internal memory of the instrument) in the "organ\songs" folder.
To copy all songs from the USB stick to the internal memory, press and hold the [6]
button for a few moments: the LED of the button starts flashing until the songs are copied
from the USB stick to the internal memory.
Press the [REC] button to return to normal operation.
When copying from internal memory to USB stick, the .mid files already in the "organ\songs"
folder are irreparably overwritten. It is however possible to create personal folders with other
names, as well as renaming .mid files of songs. When loading into Cantorum VI Plus,
however, the. mid files must always be named with numbers from 01.mid to 61.mid and must
be found in the "organ\songs" folder.
When copying from USB stick to internal memory, the songs in the internal memory are
irreparably overwritten.
As described in par. 2.1, Cantorum VI Plus has 12 general combinations. It is possible to transfer all the
combinations, up to a maximum of 12 files (each containing 12 combinations), and then reload them, if
necessary, in a specific section of the internal memory or in a USB stick inserted on the connector [
on the back panel. This provides an almost unlimited amount of memory.
To transfer the combination files, follow this procedure:
Use the [MEMORY] button to select the memory unit (internal / USB stick) in which you want to
save or load the combination file. For more information on memory selection, refer to point 16 of
the par. 2.1.
To save all current combinations in the selected memory unit, hold down the [REC] button
and press one of the combination buttons; the LED of the button starts to flash until the copy
ends. A package is created with the number of the combination pressed. In the USB stick, this
package is a .mem file located in the "organ\memories" folder. Keep in mind that if bank B of the
combinations is selected, the packages generated range from 7 to 12.
To load a package of all combinations, hold down the [START/STOP] button and press one
of the combination buttons whose number is the same as the package you want to load; the LED
of the button starts flashing until loading ends. On the USB stick, this package is a .mem file
located in the "organ\memories" folder.
] on the back panel and reload them if
EN - 17
User Manual