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paired speakers a zone name like 'bath room' (Sonos may add "(L+R)" to it, but this is not part of the zone name.
So be sure to pair such speakers before you start so you have a unique audio zone name for all the speakers in the
As soon as your audio zone names in SONOS are defined, please be sure that you use the same names while entering
them later in AVSOFT (part of PROSOFT).


"Bathroom" is not the same as "bath room" and is not the same as "Bath room".
If the names in both systems are different the integration with TELETASK will not work. Therefore also, we
recommend to keep your zone names short and try to avoid spaces in it as much as possible.
Now you need to make the 10 favourites and 10 playlists (also in your SONOS desktop app).
How to make 10 FAVOURITES in the Sonos app, ready to
be used in PROSOFT
What are 'Favourites' in the Sonos system
These are radio stations (in our example from the online radio source "Tunein"). In the mobile app they are called
'stations' (version jan 2018).
Open your Sonos desktop app, select the audio source Tunein and go to the first radio station which you want to have
available on your TELETASK system. Click on the down arrow to open the selection box and select 'Add to Sonos
Add up to 10 radio stations to the Sonos favourites.
For use in the TELETASK system, every favourite needs to have a sorting number in front of its name. Therefore, go
back to the SONOS favourites and rename the ten added radio stations by adding the sequential numbers '01' up to
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Produits Connexes pour Teletask TDS13644

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