Alarm ID
This ID must match the number of beeps defined within the corresponding alarm of the Central Unit where the alarm
has been triggered (e.g. in this case the Alarm that is switched on by the Central Unit when fire is detected needs to
have 240 beeps assigned to it).
It is highly recommended that you use a high ID number for alarms with a Voice Message assigned to prevent a
continuously beep in case the alarm has been triggered.
Extra info
can be a (practical) unlimited amount of formatted text. Pictures can also be added to this field, the maximum size for
the pictures is 500x500 pixels, larger pictures will be scaled while maintaining aspect ratio. This field can be visualized
in the 'Control Tower' if an alarm is triggered. This fields can be used for procedures that need to be followed when
the alarms occur, useful phone numbers, ... Optionally the control tower operator can modify information in this field
during normal operation. This information field is saved as a RTF file (Rich Text Formatting). These RTF files can also
be created in external programs (like Word). These files are stored at C:\ProgramData\TELETASK\Control
Tower\AlarmInfo with the previously defined 'Alarm ID' as filename.
Voice Message
Using the 'Browse' button you can browse for a Voice Message to play for this alarm. With the 'Play' button you can
have the Control Tower configurator 'play' the selected voice message.
After defining some alarms the Alarms overview window may look something like this:
Notice the 'Voice Messages' can be played directly from here (e.g. to verify that they are correct). Also notice that for
'Fire Alarm' no voice message has been selected, in this case the Control Tower will play 240 beeps when a fire alarm
is received (when no voice message is needed for an alarm, it is not necessary to add the alarm to the Control Tower
configuration. It can be useful though if in a later stage a voice message for that alarm is required).
Control Tower settings
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