When correctly installed, the antenna automatically returns to its parking position and locks up when the ignition
is switched on. If the system cannot fully or completely retract due to a fault, then it is your responsibility as vehicle
operator to check and make sure that the antenna is correctly and completely retracted before driving off.
Zündung / Klemme 15
muss angeschlossen werden
Zum automatischen Einfahren der Antenne
bei Fahrzeugstart
Ignition switch must be connected
For automatic retraction of the antenna
at vehicle start
Démarrage doit être connecté
Pour rétracter automatiquement l'antenne
au démarrage du véhicule
Road traffic regulations stipulate that the vehicle operator must verify the vehicle's roadworthiness before
each use. This requires the operator to perform a visual inspection of the antenna to make sure that it is
fully retracted.
Information on the operation of the system on camper trailers:
The 12-V power supply provided by a power converter installed in camper trailer as standard equipment is often
not reliable enough for the operation of the satellite system. To use the system with a camper trailer, we recom-
mend using the power converter available from us.
To ensure that your satellite system works properly, it is essential that it is correctly connected to the ignition
of your vehicle (see page 10, 2.3 paragraph 2: Power supply, 2. Power supply in camper trailers).