How to display the DMX levels
depress + or - until
View DMX ?
depress + or - to review the DMX levels of the dimmers
depress <— to return to the main Menu.
Example :
if the display shows DMX 1:69% then dimmer
No. 1 receives a control level of 69% from the
DMX512 inputs.
How to display the Analogue levels
depress + or - until
View Analog ?
Similar to View DMX, but displays the Analogue Input levels
(if applicable).
A temporary message will inform you of the setting of the
analogue inputs: Muted/Absent; Enabled 0/+10V; Special1;
Special 3; Special 4.
Remote control of the memories
A MEMOPACK equipped with the "Analogue Inputs (24
dimmers)" option can be remotely controlled by pushbuttons.
When set to Analogue In: Special 3 it provides inputs for
20 push-buttons for direct access to all the cues
a "Record DMX" button
a "Fade to the next cue" button
a "Stop play-back of cue, back to DMX" button
When set to Analogue In: Special 4 it provides inputs for
17 push-buttons for direct access to cues 0 to 16
a "record DMX" button
a "fade to the next cue" button
a "stop play-back of cue, back to DMX" button
a "fade cue Down" button
a "fade cue Up" button
a "start the memory chaser" button
How to set-up and enable the remote push-buttons
Example: operate in Special 4 Mode, with dimming of the cues
Step 1: install the Analogue Input board (pcb 1336), with jumper
W1 between pin 1 and pin 2; connect the remote pushbuttons
to the 25-pin connector
Step 2: setting of the Analogue Inputs to operate in "Special 4
Mode", instead of the classic 0/+10V mode
select Menu Level 3, as shown above
depress + or - until
Analogue In ?
depress + until
Special 4
leave Menu 3 and select Menu 2, as shown above
Step 3: enable remote control by the push-buttons, and disable
local control
INFO for at least 4 seconds
the display shows
Control ?
depress + until
Control: by Sp. 4 depress YES
the display shows
Sp. 4 active
depress one of the remote "memory" buttons: the display will
show the evolution
When MEMOPACK is under remote control Special 4 Mode:
depress YES
the green RUN LED blinks in bursts of 4 flashes
the local buttons + , - , YES et <- are disabled
For Special 3: RUN blinks in bursts of 3 flashes.
How to restore local control (disable pushbuttons)
To re-enable the + , - , YES and <- keys, and take local control
of the unit:
depress INFO for at least 4 seconds
the display shows
depress YES
depress + until
the RUN LED blinks Flash Pause Flash Pause (local control,
remote control disabled)
depress <— to end memory play
depress <— to return to the main menu
Warning messages - safety !
400 Volt !!!
Excessive voltage is applied to one or several phases.
MEMOPACK has shut itself down. If disconnected immediately
- within 1 minute - your MEMOPACK will reset itself automatically.
If not, check the internal fuses under the top cover.
Over Temper.This message warns of high internal
Fan Failure
No phase L...No (or low) voltage on phase L...
DMX Err:0vfl DMX message is too long, buffer is full
DMX Err:Strt DMX desk sends a start code different from 0
DMX Err:Frm framing error; look for a DMX cable fault such
MODBUS Err.the second data pair (pins 4 and 5) carries a
Maintenance menu - Menu 3
The Maintenance menu, Menu 3, is intended for maintenance
engineers only. Select Menu 3, as indicated above.
Analogue input mode
To Enable the Analogue Inputs in 0/+10 V mode
The 0/+10 V mode is set when the analogue inputs are
depress YES
connected to an analogue 0/+10 V lighting board.
depress YES
depress + or - until
depress + or - until
To clear user-defined and factory-set parameters
depress + or - until
to clear all the parameters and set to factory default values,
depress YES
including some factory-set parameters
Dimmer Qty? After performing a ClearCONFIG, you must
select the applicable power rating e.g. 6x3kW; 3x5kW,...
ADB Tests? Item reserved for service and factory tests.
Dim 6 : DMX 512
Control ?
Control: Local
Immediately disconnect the MEMOPACK
from the mains!
temperature. Please check room temperature,
fan, grilles on front and rear, side panels
(heatsinks). The MEMOPACK will gradually
reduce the level of all its dimmers.
Problem with the fan (fan rotor blocked,...)
as a loose conductor, a short circuit
signal which is not compatible with ADB's
Advanced Dimmer Network protocol. mode ?
Enabled 0/+10V depress YES
depress YES
depress YES
depress YES
depress YES
Lighting Technologies